I don't even know how I ended up with this. I do know it sat in the bed of a pickup for a week and got some surface rust but still has the caps on it from the factory. Never been run.
One cheap, most likely eBay sourced t3/t4 50 trim turbo shaped object. Some folks have had great luck with these. Are you willing to risk It? Will it fit in a flat rate box?
Be a challenge hero, or risk a most spectacular failure, treat it as an object de'art?
It could be yours for the cost of shipping

Ill take it, See what I can do to utilize it in something. Send me a note for paypal or whatever and pricing.
I will grab a flat rate box and see if I can make it fit. Texas, right?
Yes, 77433 Zip.
Maybe this should be a jet engine......
9/14/18 3:06 p.m.
Happy to take the backup spot in the event that Thinkkker doesn't want it!
I'll take the third spot if need be.
Fourth, because I'm too slow:)
Fifth, because I drank an equal of beer (instead of Vodka) before seeing this post.
Fifth, because I drank an equal of beer (instead of Vodka) before seeing this post.
9/16/18 7:50 p.m.
Sixth because why the hell not.
Got this in, and looking to see what I may do with it.
Some sort of compound setup, or potentially something along these lines....
10/5/18 10:19 a.m.
I’ll take the 82nd position. Just in case.
Trade for 99 isusu rodeo?