I’m looking for one of these things.
Sirius car kits usually come with a bunch of different mounting options. I thought I had a spare, but I guess that my last one went away with the old truck.
Anybody have one that they would like to part ways with?

11/20/18 11:47 a.m.
Lemme check when I get home. I tend to save all that crap "just in case".
i think i have one if jerry doesn't.
I'm pretty sure I have one as well.
Looks a lot like a standard ball mount. Measure the ball and order one to fit. I've had success using Garmin stuff.
Bought one on eBay for $14 and just mounted it a few minutes ago. I wanted to use it in conjunction with a a NATO phone mount. The Nato ball mount is about degrees and the Sirius is closer to 45. With the adjustability of the Nato magnet, it will go almost 90 degrees with the Sirius mount. The ball on the Sirius is fractionally smaller but still works fine.
Is the a Sirius Fan site that shows you what fits what ?
There seems to be a few different bases and the Sirius units do not all take the same electrical plug ,
Thanks for the info....