Just looking for a cheap/free chrome kenmore badge to put on the hatch of the new white appliance for my own amusement. I know we are all scroungers and hoarders, so one of us has to have one.
Just looking for a cheap/free chrome kenmore badge to put on the hatch of the new white appliance for my own amusement. I know we are all scroungers and hoarders, so one of us has to have one.
Cool idea :) If you don't come up with one holler at me I can cut you something out of silver vinyl for free.
Dang. I had a Kenmore washer sitting in my driveway for over 4 months. Finally got it hauled off- yesterday.
Sorry. I'd have sent it to you.
I might be able to scrounge a newer maytag badge. Kenmore badges are usually printed on the newer stuff, but maytag ones are attachable.
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