I have some ideas for my center console, but in case they don't work, I'd rather not cut up my only one.
Anyone have a junker leftover from a build just laying around?
If I have to, I'll get one from treasure coast or somewhere, but I'd rather my money go to a forum member.
You mean the tombstone? I have one in very nice condition for a 1.8 NA cluttering up my garage.
In reply to BoxheadTim:
No, the armrest/shifter/ashtray part. My tombstone is in surprisingly good shape.
7/31/16 8:43 p.m.
I've got a couple, but I'm a long way from PA.
How soon do you need it?
No big rush, I've got plenty of other things to keep me busy. Thinking it will wind up being a winter project, just wanted to get some feelers out and see if I could find some.
7/31/16 8:57 p.m.
I could send one home with someone from PA going to the Challenge.
Might not be far from ya.
This one is killing me
All the parts I need in one package but I don't have a way to tow it home. That maryland trip is a good 5-6 hours each way.
I'm keeping my eyes open, just thought I'd see if anyone was scrapping one.
Svrex, that could work if nothing else. Still a trip to see most of the other members up here, but there are some I need to go visit anyway.
7/31/16 9:28 p.m.
See what else turns up and let me know.
I appreciate the offer SVreX, but I just scored one from m.net. Hopefully, I can get this project sorted out between mine and it.
In reply to SVreX:
Do you have a tombstone for a 1.6L NA?
8/10/16 2:53 p.m.
So you're good? I have a center console in PA. Just saw this.
In reply to RedGT:
Yea I'm good. If you were closer I'd still take you up on it for a spare though.