It's time to take a break from the Falcon. 3 years of daily driving it has taken it's toll on the poor 53 year old parts. Lots of little issues that snowballed into it needing extensive work. So I am on the Amtrak cascades train from Eugene to Portland to pick up a more modern daily driver.

Supplies sorted. Next stop P-town.
3/12/16 11:22 a.m.
Looks like an interesting read. Based on the title, I thought it was going to be a book about the 'mats. So, what are you picking up?
I would love to take a trip by rail. I've been on a few short rides as my dad and uncle were both in the railroad business, but a long trip would be great.
The stop in Albany was only two minutes. Train is maintaining an average speed of 76mph. Only 6 people in the car with me. Free WiFi. I can get up and walk around. It really is a great way to travel, particularly great considering the greyhound ticket was only 5bucks less

The car is what I would consider a modern classic. I was worried about jumping into something too new (I was actually shopping for a smart) , but it is still over 30 years old.

Pastoral rural Oregon as seen through a dirty window from the rails.
Every 10 miles or so you will see a section like this absolutely destroyed by off roaders slinging mud with their trucks. Mud and turf hanging from trees 30 feet up. There was even a Toyota laying on it's side in one patch.
Salem by rail is disgusting. It appears they don't have garbage service here or something. Mattresses and microwaves are the highlights of the giant piles of trash people seem content to throw over their fences.
Keep it classy capital city.
The book is good. Interviews with cool people. I have talked at length with a few of these folks and it is interesting to see if they seem like the same folks in print as they do in real life. Peter Case, Keith Morris, Ian MacKaye and Mike Palm were exactly as I would have guessed. Charlie Harper came off as a bit more eloquent than I expected having recently sat down with him over a few beers.

Here it is. This beast needs a few repairs before I can head home
Ohh, very nice!! I love me a red e28. 535is?
I was expecting a small Italian car.

One broken clutch pedal bracket and one new part.
That's a common failure on these cars.
Jumper K. Balls wrote:
Here it is. This beast needs a few repairs before I can head home
Other than the Xterra, everything in that picture could be from the mid-80s or older. The west coast is baffling and awesome.
Sitting in a truck stop 90 miles from home trying to warm up with some spicy Popeye's chicken.
The cars heater is really effective in town but above 50mph it blows in the 40 degree outside air with a vengeance. I wasn't dressed for this.
I'm cold.
And I am home with a new to me 85 535i!
120 miles with heat being the only issue. That was a comfortable ride too.
I will start some sort of build thread soon.
Long Amtrak rides are definitely awesome, I took the train from LA to Oakland a couple years back and loved it.
I'm liking the punk content in this thread.