CTEK would like to use your vintage race car in their next Classic Motorsports ad! Post your images here, and we will pick a winner before 10-15-2013! The winner will receive a complimentary MUS 4.3 charging system with a retail price of $79.99!
Let's see those cars!
All images must be approved for use by the photographer.
Learn more about the CTEK full line of battery chargers here:

What's the cut-off for vintage?
Probably around 1980--- Like CMS, but other cars may qualify. Throw an image up, it can't hurt, and you may end up winning!
I suppose a crappy old AMC autocrossing in the rain is probably not what they are after? 
1972 MG Midget, SCCA F Production. Drivers are Dana and Christopher DeShong. Driver in the picture is Christopher DeShong.
Posted with photographer & driver approval.

10/9/13 8:51 a.m.
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1961 Mini---- Built 1275----owner driver, Bud Anderson
Photo by owner

1971 Porsche 914 1.7, PCA Improved Class autocross, my photo, partially more car. Permission from everybody is allowed.
Now we're talking! Cool shots.
To clarify--- in order for them to be able to use the images, the photographer needs to approve, as well as the car owner.
Thanks guys! Keep em coming!

1971 MGB GT, Crown Autocross, my photo

1971 MGB GT, 2006 Kansas City Buffalo Run. Sorry, photographer unknown.
What about my photo of a car that isn't mine?

Dave---- awesome shot! However for CTEK to be able to use an image in their ad, they need approval from the car owner as well as the photographer.
still a great pic!
Not a race car, but I've always liked these--- it was a fun day!

And no, I'm not eligible to win. 

See the entire series here
You'd have to ask Gordon Jolley for permission.
19 years old is vintage, right?

Any other pictures? I'm interested to see some more cars...
Contest still ongoing! Post em up!
10/15/13 11:06 a.m.
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X-19 powered by turbo 2.2 dodge. Owner driver Bud Anderson. Photo by owner.
10/15/13 12:24 p.m.
How about my C900? It does track days, but I'm not sure that makes it a race car. My fiancée took the photo. I own and was driving the car. We're allowed to use it.

nice pics 
I've always been a sucker for an X1-9, and Saab 900s also make us warm and fuzzy---- especially since you can fit a lawnmower in the back!
Keep em coming!
Currently under restoration but here's what it looked like back in the day.

TR-7s and 8s make awesome looking race cars. Something about lowering them, and filling up those wheel wells, just transform that car's looks. 
Because the competition ended yesterday, is there any way we can find out who won? or will the winner be emailed?
day late as usual........
getting it right......

getting it wrong....