Matt said:what effect do the endplates have on the wing? is there a design rule for them?
so, that old explanation that "the top of the foil is longer, so the molecule that goes over the top has to travel faster to meet the one from the bottom at the trailing edge"... is not true. They don't meet.
it gets complicated from there... and there's like an hour long lecture video where an aerodynamicist goes through the various other explanations for "what's happening"... feel free to look it up, and decide for yourself.
The shape of the foil, and the angle means that the flow over the top (in traditional wings) speeds up. This speed up causes lower pressure. Things like to move from high pressure to low pressure.
All the analysis that we've been doing in the thread with xfoil and javafoil utilizes a simplification of... essentially... pulling the section of the foil from the middle of the wing. What happens out at the wing tip, is that the suction on the top of the wing pulls the high pressure air from the bottom of the wing up onto the upper surface from around the tip. Because of speed... it arrives on the top of the wing on the "back side" of the wing and creates a "spiral" or "tip vortex"... which is where you see those pretty pictures of a crop duster flying through a red cloud and creating a swirl. This tends to reduce the amount of lift the "real life / 3D" wing produces, when compared to the "ideal" 2D results.
The shorter the wing is, in relation to it's area, the stronger/more the flow is pulled over onto the top. We call this relationship the "AspectRatio" ( AR ), and calculate it by AR = ( b^2 ) / S .... where: b = span, and S = wing area.
It's done this way, because airplane wings are frequently tapered... and using the area makes it easier to account for that.
Side note... this doesn't just happen with wings. If you have a miata with a hard top, and leave it dirty, and drive it through the rain... you can see the same thing form from the flow coming up over the windsheild... with a path of dirt coming off the windowframe and tucking ~6inches in to the middle of the car. Other cars probably do it too... but I know from experience with the miata.
so... how do we stop the flow from coming up from the bottom of the wing over the tip and onto the back edge of the top of the wing and kill our ideal lift?
1) make the wing longer.
2) convince it not to, by putting something in the way.
3) put a big-donkey propeller at the tip of the wing and spin it counter to the direction of this "downwash"*
*there's some debate about how effective option 3 is. For fun see: Zimmerman Flying Flapjack.
cars are usually pretty limited, width (or span) -wise. So, option 2 is the predominate option.
General rules of thumb? Depends on how crazy you want to get.