Welcome to our newest forum! We've noticed that as the site has gained more and more traffic, and the forum more and more users, that good threads are often buried quickly in the main GRM forum. In order to make it easier to find what you're looking for, we're experimenting with adding sub-forums for different topics. This Aerodynamics forum is the first one, and if it goes well we'll add a few more.
We're also experimenting with a new type of partnership: Forum Sponsors. For certain sub-forums, we'll be asking companies with knowledge in the area to join the discussion and share their brand (and their expertise) in the sub-forum.
Our first official Forum Sponsor is Nine Lives Racing, which has a simple tagline front and center on their website: "RACECAR WINGS FOR THE MASSES." You'll see them sharing their expertise in this new forum, and they'll be happy to answer any questions you have, too.
Happy browsing, everybody, and please enjoy the new Aerodynamics forum!