We have an 02 WRX Wagon that I'm adding some aero bits onto. Front splitter, rear diffuser, and now I need to think about a real spoiler. The car will be used for autoX and HPDE.
What I'm thinking of doing is taking a stock spoiler and using it for the mounting point for a wing element. I don't have a lot of money for this project, so I need to be crafty.
Any ideas on where to buy elements?
spend money on driver training..
Spend money on brakes and tires..
think about other stuff.
Thank's for the insightful help.
R6s on rpf1s, konis in custom coilovers, wilwood sl6s w/ bp10s, car is in perfect maintence.
Been to about 15-20 autoXs and now getting into HPDE.
The suspension works really well, pretty balanced, but now with the addition of the front spoiler, the back tends to slide out a bit too easily.
Yes I can work on driver skill, but I'm more the mechanic of our team...so that only goes so far.
Is the car neutral at slower speeds?
Could you post some pictures of the other aero bits on the car?
Its not that hard to make your own.
A spoiler is similar in size to a wing on a radio controlled aircraft. Your spoiler will be seeing similar air speeds too.
Below 45 it feels pretty neutral with a hint of oversteer.
I had a rear diffuser that was just a flat sheet of SS bent to smoothe the flow from the axel back, but now I'm getting one of the STI pieces.
The front bumper is a JUN bumper with the foglight covered over (just carbon fibered them from the inside.
Sorry pics with everything on the car.
The car probably won't see speeds over 140 and more likely only between 30-90? for most of the time.
6/17/10 10:57 p.m.
I have had good experiences with the elements from cheap ebay aluminum wings. The supports are not very strong, but the elements them selves are very similar to the apr ones.
SurfWagon wrote:
Thank's for the insightful help.
R6s on rpf1s, konis in custom coilovers, wilwood sl6s w/ bp10s, car is in perfect maintence.
Been to about 15-20 autoXs and now getting into HPDE.
The suspension works really well, pretty balanced, but now with the addition of the front spoiler, the back tends to slide out a bit too easily.
Yes I can work on driver skill, but I'm more the mechanic of our team...so that only goes so far.
Sorry, but it would have been helpful if you mentioned that in your first post(like first post ever on the board)...
You don't even know how many times people want bars or springs or shocks or aero but don't even have a set of proper brake pads..
to be honest your post was about 1 step away from.. I needz a body kit y0..
Anyway.. Aero elements can be had from ebay mad cheap. If you have a tig, you can fashion them yourself and its really not that hard. A little heat a little wooden blocking, a hammer and a welder.
I was thinking along the same lines as Iggy. Sometimes, though it's rare, you can find usable aero elements in a junkyard, too.
6/18/10 7:44 a.m.
What are you running for camber in front and rear? Anti roll bars?
I'm sorry Iggy. I should have given a proper introduction. Most people on the e30/WRX forums jump down your throat with the "improve driver first" comment or "you can't use that on the street" without bothering to think that a car can actually be used on the track.
Thanks for the help guys. I was wondering aqbout the ebay wings. I like the idea of just taking the elelment off and making my own supports. Anyone have an opinion on the carbon fiber 3d profile ones (GTC-300 knock offs) vs straight aluminum ones?
Our junyards down here do have some dead ricers, but no good elements.
Camber F:-3.2 R:-1.6 Caster: +6 Toe F:+1/32 R:0 at the track
On the street it's got 2.2 front camber and zero toe.
6/18/10 9:09 a.m.
Have you tried more camber in the rear? Also, you didn't mention what bars you're using (unless I'm missing it above).
Also run an 02 wrx wagon. Your rear camber number seems a bit aggressive for your needs. I ran similar numbers up front, but closer to -0.9 degrees camber in the rear. Especially with the tires you are running, I think you are giving up a lot by having that much camber in the back.
Bars= F:25mm R:24mm Whitelines
Sachilles: Do you mean giving up traction? contact patch? or rotation? Always good to hear from someone with direct experience!
^^^^^^^^^^all of the above for the most part. Seems there is a real fine line on the camber in the back especially in a wagon.
I was happy any place between -0.75 and -0.9 in the back(tire dependant). I noticed a stronger pull out of the corners, and easier rotation in many elements. Keep in mind it's a largely personal thing, that being said, we have 3 two liter wrx wagons in my club, and we all ended with that same setting in the back.
Wagons rock....this is one of my favorite pics(on stock suspension at this event.)

Here is a pre-aero street-tire photo of ours. Go MBP Wagons!!!

Painting the sedan front conversion now.
Aren't the rear spoilers on many wagons typically used to direct air to the rear window to help keep it clean?
I'd have to have a closer look at the WRX Wagon spoiler to know, but that sort of "spoiler" would cause lift at high speeds and adding another wing to counter act it would be a little silly ;)
I would cut up a stock one to use its mounting point for another element. The stock one does not really direct air over the back window like 80's mnivans use to...take a look at the top photo.
SurfWagon wrote:
Here is a pre-aero street-tire photo of ours. Go MBP Wagons!!!
Painting the sedan front conversion now.
now thats a family Hauler!!!!
You know some wood and spray foam would make a nice mold for some aero stuff..
Use fiberglass 1st(cheeeap!) to make a few prototypes before you make the real thing outta carbon.
Hell If you find a guy with a wing you like you can use a few pcs of fiber to make yourself a mold out of it...
Good idea. I was wondering how to make a good mold.
I agree, fiberglass first, then carbon. Also might need another mounting point b/c stock only has two.
good links in there.
I did some minor stuff in my sae baja days. A local college sae formula team would have tons of experience and probably willing to share their experience if you are nice to them..
Air craft spruce has the resin you need
or http://www.shopmaninc.com/
Canoe! But since I'm here, this is my MBP wagon