4/17/13 2:15 p.m.
tuna55 wrote:
Woody wrote:
Use 2x3's.
Has anyone made their own and added enough rigidity through a cage or something such that a car like this could be a canyon carver?
Sounds fun. Especially with a blown flattie.
This is how a lot of drag cars are built. 2x3 ladder frame, then add tubes on top to make the cage. Drop a body over it cut from a production car, and done. They usually have 4 link rear suspensions and strut front ends, but if you did a double A arm front end instead it could be quite the corner carver.
I'm thinking 21 inch wire wheels from an A with four inch wide tires and a low powered inline 4. A momentum car if you will.
4/17/13 2:53 p.m.
dinger wrote:
tuna55 wrote:
Woody wrote:
Use 2x3's.
Has anyone made their own and added enough rigidity through a cage or something such that a car like this could be a canyon carver?
Sounds fun. Especially with a blown flattie.
This is how a lot of drag cars are built. 2x3 ladder frame, then add tubes on top to make the cage. Drop a body over it cut from a production car, and done. They usually have 4 link rear suspensions and strut front ends, but if you did a double A arm front end instead it could be quite the corner carver.
The ones I have seen are usually built into the frame or subframe of the vehicle, back halved and/or front halved. I've never seen one with arrow straight frame rails before with a full body on it. Anyways, those cars typically only have rigidity in one plane, and nothing against twisting other than the cage, which doesn't do a lot as constructed for NHRA.
4/17/13 2:54 p.m.
mazdeuce wrote:
I'm thinking 21 inch wire wheels from an A with four inch wide tires and a low powered inline 4. A momentum car if you will.
A lot powered 4 from that era would indeed be a momentum car, even a built up flathead would struggle to keep up with the average Toyota SUV.
We have a rear axle shaft and a rear wishbone that need to be replaced, so I am constantly scouring the ads for parts.
The other day, I found a nice old guy selling "a running rolling chassis and 60 years worth of Model A parts". It looked pretty good in the photos and he was only asking $1500 for everything, so I had to check it out. Unfortunately, most of it was pretty rough. I mentioned that I had found his ad when I was looking for an axle for our project and he said that he had a spare. I asked if he would consider just selling the spare axle. He told me that I could just take it and refused to take any cash for it.

If I wire you $1500 will you keep it in your yard until I figure out how to talk my wife into letting me come get it? I can't tell if I'm sad or happy that it's all so far away from me.
Dave decided that there were too many things bolted and riveted to the chassis. He is also upgrading from Oxy/MAPP to Oxy/Acetylene.

As we walked through the swap meet discussing the difference between Anvils and ASOs (Anvil Shaped Objects), my attention was drawn to a small, plain box laying on a tarp. Inside was a brand new Brooklands Wind Screen. As I lifted it out of the box, I discovered that there was a second one underneath. I knew that I wouldn't be putting putting them down until I needed my hands to start counting money.
Suddenly, anvils no longer seemed relevant...

The flathead is still at the machine shop while they try to figure out the timing gears. The part numbers are right, but the parts are wrong.
There's a shop across town from mine that specializes in '40's and older stuff. The Model A club was just over there having their Spring tuneup day. If you get in a jam, I'll be glad to talk to him for you.
Thanks for the offer Rob.
There's actually a Model A Club show not far from me this Saturday, but I'm supposed to take a class for my boating license. If I can't get down there, I'm sure Dave will. It's always good to make connections in the hobby.

Woody wrote:
I love this.^
Man you are making great progress
Dave has been doing all the work lately, while I spend time messing around with my garage doors and swearing at my truck's Check Engine light, oxygen sensor, shocks and tires.

I heard that the NEW "A" engine has a couple more hp.
Every time I look at the Model T GT I notice a new detail. Today it was the exhuast pipe rounting over the rear fenders. Awesome!
Over the past few days, a motorcycle has become available, which is causing us great concern...