Monday 16th July 2018
Yep over 6 weeks have elapsed since my last update, as 6 weeks have elapsed since I last worked on the mini! Really?
What have I been up to?
We entered our son into his first peewee hare scramble race, which was a steep learning curve for all of us! But I was super proud of his achievement.

My wife and I are making custom tables, which for a while was taking up the garage, and the entire basement.

Then I broke my patella (kneecap) cutting some steel with a grinder. Which put me in a knee brace and crutches for a couple weeks.

Then, with leg in brace, I had to fix the AC on my daily. A new compressor, accumulator and orifice tube and 54oz of refrigerant it’s ice cold again.
Then the split AC system in our bonus room crapped out the day before my parents were due to arrive for from England. But thankfully it was only a capacitor.
We spent 2 weeks with my parents, which involved plenty of outings to restaurants!
The highlight for me was my mum finally found and brought over some photos of my grandpa’s motorcycle trip he did around Europe in 1956.
He’d shown me them when I was younger, and his stores captivated me. He was a nuclear engineer but he started out as an apprentice mechanic in the Yorkshire coal mines.
He bought a BSA new in 1955 and in 1956 he rode 4000 miles around Europe, he and 3 mates, 2 on BSAs and 2 on Vespas.
Adventure motorcycling before it was even a thing.
Here he is 20 years old in Switzerland.

There is something special about that above photo and I will reveal it in a couple of weeks.
So back to the mini, where did I leave off?
The rear seatbelt mounts. I decided that was a good small bit of work to pick it back up.
I made a replica of the later model mini bracket which sits in the boot behind the rear bulkhead.

Stripped the paint and stitch welded it on.

So just have to make a couple of smaller brackets in the corners of the boot for the outer seatbelt mounts.