So we started the car today. It runs great! I struggled with the alternator wiring a little bit, but eventually figured out the B terminal was a different terminal than I thought it was. (I could not find any markings)
Now that I have given you that preview let's start where we left off.
Mom cleaned, and I painted and installed the bulkhead.

Even though they don't count towards the budget, we're still cheap, so we cut the caps off the lug nuts we had, so we could fit them on the longer studs.

I was having trouble with the shifter, so I replaced a part of it with parts from another shifter.

Now without further ado, if you haven't seen already, it's alive!
Then since we had it running, we did a burnout in the driveway.

It got a little sideways on me. This is my first time in a car with this much horsepower, so I ended up in the grass a little.

The even more funny part is as soon as I finished doing the burnout a cop drove by, slowed down, cheked out the car, smiled, waved, and then kept on driving. My dad and I got a big kick out of it.
While the car was outside I got a shot of it.

After our fun in the driveway, we got back to work installing a linelock. Somebody was cleaning out their shop, and gave us this line lock solenoid, because they were tired of looking at it. As I was cleaning it with a wirebrush, I noticed some steciling. Turns out it was made by hurst. You can just barely see it in the picture. It's pretty cool.

At this point the car is basically done. All that is really left is getting the autocross tires ready. I'm excited!