Im sure you guys are sick of exhaust pics by now but here's how it finished up. I tried to keep the downpipe low for spark plug access and wire clearance. I do need to come up with a support structure for the turbo, something to grab the threaded holes in the cyl head.
This will be the last week on this burst of progress. Made one of those "nah this'll never work" offers on a rental property and well, it worked. So this thing will get pushed to the side again for a few months while I remodel that place. Might sneak a few hours in here and there and I'll try to keep this thread updated.

I don't think any of us get sick of seeing high-quality fabrication. 🤘🏻
Yea, what AC said! I understand distractions like you are about to start on. Good luck on the remodel of the rental property. I am deep in a bathroom remodel on our own house, after just finishing a 9 month renovation on a flip property. I told my wife after this is done l need a 3 month vacation to my shop!
I would like to subscribe to these shenanigans.
madmrak351 said:
Yea, what AC said! I understand distractions like you are about to start on. Good luck on the remodel of the rental property. I am deep in a bathroom remodel on our own house, after just finishing a 9 month renovation on a flip property. I told my wife after this is done l need a 3 month vacation to my shop!
That's funny, I call this my "vacation project". Vacation was supposed to be over in March to continue the remodel on my current house anyway, but what the heck lets throw a 3rd project in the mix!
Sorry buddy, back in the corner while I do grown up stuff. Was a fun time, I'll bring it to life next go round

The more I look at the front end. I feel that the missing lower light should become the air intake to the blower. Dual filament on top for low and high beam and normal low and high beem on the driver side. Just me, you might have a different idea that is far better than that.
In reply to brad131a4 (Forum Supporter) :
"Well the headlights, they was another sight- We had two on the left and one on the right; but when we pulled out the switch all three of em come on..."