Speaking of the Friday Market, I've been at odds with myself this last week or so because of an article I stumbled across:
In short it says that the animals at the market aren't taken care of at all, and are left in the sun all day. Some without food or water, most of them dying in the sun. I own 5 pets of my own, I really do NOT have the stomach for animal suffering (especially companion animals). Furthermore it says they sell stolen, dangerous, and exotic animals there (under the same conditions) to people who have no idea how to take care of them.
So of course I was really trying not to go back (and I didn't) because if I did go, and I did see what the article said I would, then I would have to do something about it. I wasn't really sure, but I figured "something about it" was probably going to involve me making a contraption to strap a 5-gallon water jug from the company water machine with a siphon hose to water the animals... At the very least.
So this is in the back of my head almost all day every day and it's really draining me. How would I get there every day? What happens when the family is here and we're busy again? What about food? How will the people who own the stands respond? Will they do less because I'm there doing what they should? Do I take my 5-year old to help? Even if I don't, how do I explain the situation without making him carry the burden?
In an unrelated conversation Mrs. Hungary and I decide we should have me scope out the local chain of pet-food stores known as "Pet Zone" to see what's available as far as pet food for our 5 fur babies (she figured she could start the diet transition now to make things easier later). There's one Pet Zone a little further than walking distance away from where I live (I know this because I walked it, and that was a mistake) and there's a much much bigger one near the Friday Market.
So I scoped the local shop the Friday before last, and from there a well spoken Pakistani Taxi driver picked me up to take me to the bigger store. Except!
Except he wanted to know where specifically I wanted to go on "Block 3 of Kuwait City" so I clarify "Oh, I wanted to check out the Pet Zone near the Friday Market"
Which he took to mean "The portion of the Friday Market where they have animals" because, as it turns out it's across the street from where all the goods are sold.
You ever do something stupid as a kid and after your parents are done chewing your ass they drive you to the house where the stupid stuff happened and you have to go knock on the door to fess up and apologize to the old couple who owned the property you did the stupid stuff to? You're standing there on the walkway facing the house not wanting to go forward to face the unknown consequences but you know your dad is in the car staring at your dumb butt and he's got a lot of known consequences that you really don't want. So you start walking towards the house... That's how I felt when the cab driver unexpectedly dropped me off right at the front gate of the animal market.
The world had just forced my hand.
Ready or not, I was going to see what was inside that market and after that it would completely be on me if I did nothing. No more excuses after this 
So I went in. One slow step after another. I was scared, angry, uncertain, and anxious all at the same time.

I wont leave you hanging. It is nothing like the article said it was. Absolutely nothing like the article said it was.
I pretended to be interested in adopting a dog. With all the petitions a google search for "friday market kuwait" had to offer, I was sure I wasn't the first person who walked in there with their game face on, camera in hand. I after the red faded from my vision I decided I could probably get the pictures I wanted AND keep things civil at the same time if I was a prospective future pet owner. I did two laps and took pictures of the three worst dog cages:

Why were these the worst? Because I think they're too small for their occupants. But if I'm really being fair, this isn't the US, this isn't a no-kill/not for profit type of shelter, and all the animals basic needs are met. They have enough space to move a little, they're watered, they're obviously fed (but I didn't see any being fed when I was there), the cages were kept clean, and they all respond positively to human contact. There were no exotic animals. Just chickens, rabbits, birds, dogs, cats, ducks, and the like.
This part of the market is under a double roof (so it's already a few degrees below ambient temps) and the rooms are built in a sort of ice cube tray configuration where each one is air conditioned. I guess it's worth saying I left in a much better mood than the one I arrived with. It's not a perfect environment for them (yet?), but it's not abusive either. I think on a scale F-minus to Cesar Millan's house, the animal portion of the Friday Market gets a C+: "Exceeded expectations. But only slightly"
I think the most amazing part was the fact that I didn't go home with all of them 
The following weekend I was back to buy the carpet and padding (above) and needless to say I went for another pet visit. I think the German shepherd pup remembered me