My wife wanted an old truck so we picked up a C10 that is in pretty good shape. The plan is to fix the current 350 engine, new interior, paint job, and the last step will be a 5.3 engine and 4L60E trans.
The paint is terrible. It is painted pink but none of the panels have matching paint. The plan is to go all black.

If there is a 350 guru in the crowd, please speak up. The engine sat for a long time and I assume it was filled with water because 2 freeze plugs were bad and the drivers side head was cracked and broken. My plan is to throw on some new heads and run it until I am ready for the LS swap. My question is what are the chances that the block is warped? One cylinder is a little boogered up, do you think it will last?

Picked these up over the weekend:

I'd just put a straightedge on the block and see if you can get a feeler gauge under it in the middle. If not - probably not warped.
I need to get some pictures and post some updates to my own C10 LS swap thread, as it seems we've got similar ideas here. My 350 had a cracked block instead of heads.
11/25/13 8:26 a.m.
Beware of rust and bondo over those freshly painted rockers and cab corners:
I'll be watching, as a truck this body style is on my radar at the moment (this body style and the previous '60-'66 style). And I've got a guy wanting to trade me a 5.3 longblock.
If you think freezing caused the plugs to pop out of the block, I'd say there's a pretty good chance it's cracked too. Might be worth having a good, close look and/or picking up a $300 craigslist brand 350 to toss in in the mean time.
I'm curious what your plan is for controlling the engine. Stock wiring harness and computer or???
The engine ran before I pulled the heads, but leaked because of the head / gasket issues. It is holding fluid in the block and the oil was not milky so I am hoping to scoop up from cheap clist heads.
I bought the PCM and harness with the 5.3. I have dealt with chopping up a harness and it worth it to pay somebody else to do it... It will be tuned with HP tuners and maybe a better cam.
The truck will be driven by my wife so it does not need huge HP numbers.
11/25/13 3:56 p.m.
I'm curious why you'd want to get all the pieces together to rehab the 350 when you already have the 5.3. I mean, why spend the money and time/effort, when it's going away soon anyway?
I have 3 project cars, IS300 with an LS3, 1950 Ford, and 1970 C10. All of them need work and my wife wants to drive her truck. The fastest way to get it on the road is to fix the 350. A running and driving 350 is also worth more when I am ready for the swap.
That buys me time to fix the other 2 and then LS swap the C10.
More problems! Put the engine back together and found a crack...
I hate giving up. The question now is to weld it or JB weld it to try to get a little more life out of the engine.

That is a pretty good size crack.
I would look for a used 350 from a junkyard or craiglist.
With the LS swaps becoming popular, the used 350 prices are way down.
Or, a Goodwrench motor is $1500 shipped if you have the accessories and top end
or $2000
Thumbs up on the project
^ I have a 5.3 engine to put in the truck but I want to mess around with the current engine. This crack has ruined any resale value of the engine. I think I will throw some JB Weld on it for fun to see if it holds.
Go get two or maybe 3 tubes of bars leaks powder, or a whole package of the tablets.
Well...that stinks (about the crack) but I guess I'm not too surprised. Personally, I wouldn't waste (imo) the time and the JB weld on that. However, given your unique circumstances...who knows. It may work. Clean, bevel, slather, report back!
Oooh! Just noticed the Hoosier Street tires. Time capsule!
I was wondering what size tires those are because If I end up with a similar truck, I'd use it as a benchmark (a good one) for tire size. (I already have the same wheels!)
I don't think these tires have seen the street in a long time. They are 255 70 15 which seems to be a pretty common size for these trucks.
I really have nothing to lose with JB weld so I am going to give it a try this weekend if it is not raining.
The 350 is done. A couple weeks ago I drained the oil so I pulled the plug again today and there was a lot of coolant in the pan. There must be more than just one crack...
Time to start the LS swap.