Cables installed, the clutch feels heavy and the front brake feels disconcerting, which seems about right:

Then it was time to bite the bullet and do this part:

Luckily I have a new harness so it's not too bad. All the wires at the front of the bike run into the headlight bucket, and most of them don't change color when they go through their connectors:

With the light and gauges things are beginning to look serious:

Next up was the ignition switch wiring- unfortunately, this bike didn't come with an ignition switch, and the real ones are like $300. Instead it had this lousy push-pull switch, which was wired wrong and just dangling under the tank:

The upside is that the remains of the original ignition switch harness are attached to it, so I stripped the ends, rewired it so it actually functions, and made a little bracket for it out of a piece of aluminum and a leftover clip nut from the Pegaso. I'll replace this eventually but for now it's good enough and plugs into the main harness like it should:

Installed, and also the coil and horn wiring:

Then on to the back, where it was another game of "find the few wires that aren't the same color on both sides of the connector":

Everything went pretty smoothly, although some connectors had to be reused from the old harness:

The bike didn't come with any battery wires. There's literally only one fuse on the entire wiring diagram, so:

All hooked up:

Moved the plunger on the silly ignition switch and:

Success! Even the brake light works:

Does anyone know how to adjust the front brake switch? Once I tightened the front brake cable it was stuck on, and the manual only gives an incredibly unhelpful "the front brake switch does not usually need to be adjusted" on that topic. I'm not running the front brake cable loose just to have the switch work, that's stupid.