Datsun310Guy wrote:
nocones wrote:
These cars look so damn good. Why can't Nissan make a car look this good against .
x 100.
I am expecting a 240Z or 510 out soon with this anniversary Nissan celebrates soon (reference Jay Leno Japan visit).............BAH HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH. Man, I crack myself up.
Yeah, he dropped enough "hints" about that
If nissan asks you to say it three times in 44 seconds, they're trying to make a point....
3 months ago the car was in a sand lot in Panama City and now it's on the street and in GRM.

I have a line on the some carb parts locally and I should be getting it going again shortly. I could have just spent a lot of money on it and had it ready weeks ago, but that's not a budget build to me. Everything I have done to this car has been super cheap, even the wheels. In fact doing the numbers, this car is still challenge friendly price.
crankwalk wrote:
I could have just spent a lot of money on it and had it ready weeks ago, but that's not a budget build to me. Everything I have done to this car has been super cheap, even the wheels.
I know the feeling. Just don't drop to much coin on those bob seger tapes, wouldn't wanna blow the budget 
I really have enjoyed this thread......keep us posted on latest happenings!!!
Glad someone got you a pic from the mag...I dropped the ball, sorry! It looks great, hopefully both of our Z's will be back on the road soon! 
sethmeister4 wrote:
Glad someone got you a pic from the mag...I dropped the ball, sorry! It looks great, hopefully both of our Z's will be back on the road soon!
I was travelling in Boston and bought it at a Barnes and Noble. 
Picked up a fresh set of 3 screw round tops this past weekend in Panama City. Hopefully I can throw these on soon and get rocking again.

Sweet! I'm hoping to work on my Z tomorrow and get that gas tank cleaned and back in. Hope you get yours back on the road soon!
I have been dealing with a broken exhaust manifold stud for about a week. Frustrating! I've soaked it in PBblaster, vice grips, broken 3 drill bits, the extractor I have doesn't work worth a damn....ugh
Its the only thing holding me back from putting the new carbs on it.

Wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't under here:

Yuck. Maybe it's worth it to just pull off the thermostat housing?
Can you apply heat without lighting stuff on fire? Heat is your friend, but fire is bad.
sethmeister4 wrote:
Yuck. Maybe it's worth it to just pull off the thermostat housing?
The gaskets on it look old but the dont leak. LOL if I can get out of it without having to take it off (and potentially break something else) then I would love to leave it alone.
Heat without having a fire, yeah I have thought about it.
What I really think I need is an extractor that isn't 3 dollars at Autozone and a really powerful drill.
crankwalk wrote:
What I really think I need is an extractor that isn't 3 dollars at Autozone and a really powerful drill.
I agree. I bought some good extractors from Snap On many years ago and was amazed at how much better they worked than anything else I'd tried.
While I was waiting on getting that stud out, (hopefully tonight with a better dirll and bits) I found my radio trim surround under the hatch carpet and installed it. Also from 1973, the Dark side of the Moon keychain.
Well, at least the interior is done.

Man I wish my interior was that nice! Looking good! Good luck with that stud!
The stud is drilled out and replaced (Helicoiled it) and everything is back on. I turned the key and fuel went everywhere. After replacing the fuel lines that had Datsun emblems on them, I noticed no leaks from the feed but the front carb had fuel shooting out of the vent tube, think Bellagio fountains.
So at least its narrowed down to just one source of flammible liquid spraying everywhere. I'm assuming the float is stuck so I'll have to open it up and take a look sometime soon. I have the old carbs I took off to use for parts so hopefully I won't need anything new in there.
In addition to Greg Smith's observations about the 240Z, a very important place to check for rust is under the battery tray.
Also, Greg wouldn't mention his own company (, but it has a fix for the fuse box.
Also, Ztherapy has wonderful replacements for the carburetors since a number of the rebuilt parts (guides!) are NLA.
After removing the float and cleaning it, I was able to get the carbs to NOT spew fuel everywhere. After all the fuel leaks were fixed, I could get the car to turn on and run with the chokes just taped open (i dont have cables).It would run roughly as I still need to try to sync the carbs up and check the timing. A small victory being able to fix the leaks without any more money spent at least. 
Good news, bad news update.
Good news!
Got the carbs synched and the timing pretty close, I was able to put 20 miles on the car!

Bad News!
At the end of the trip, pulling in the driveway, the water pump seized, took out the fan and killed the fancy radiator. 

Saving up some more funds I guess. I just want to drive it!
That sucks! Is the radiator holed or just bent?
bgkast wrote:
That sucks! Is the radiator holed or just bent?
The picture doesn't do it justice. Its leaking from the tubes and since it was a $150 ebay jobber, it will be cheaper just to buy another one than fix it.
Need to buy: Clutch fan, water pump, belt, radiator.
Time for a Taurus fan upgrade.
been there, only my fan bolts sheared, taking out the trans/power steering lines in addition.
but keep up the good work!
10/16/13 8:51 a.m.
I did that once, but out of stupidity, not failure of parts. At least it's easy to work on.
That sucks dude, sorry. Makes me want to change my water pump just as a precaution!
I guess my car needs to be running first though...