There have been times with this project where I'm waiting on parts to arrive/be sourced where I just look at this thing and say "What can I do right now?"
Well, install (LOL) my cool Datsun sticker I got at Petit LeMans this year.
Next up GRM sticker. Oh and the water pump, radiat........

Nice! I love that Datsun Competition Parts logo with the air horns...once I get my car running I have a few stickers to throw on too! My fuel tank is at the shop now, hopefully it will come back nice and clean! Hope you can get your car going soon too!
Looks like a FL plate. Where are you located?
I'm in Atlanta. I bought the car in Panama City Beach Fl though.
Alrighty, I got the new water pump on and radiator in. Looks exactly the same as it did before. I was going to use a 240SX clutch fan but it was about 1/2 inch too long. I had to put the stock fan with one blade broken back on it. So eventually I'll try to shorten that one up and hope this fan holds up until then. Tires need air and the motor needs some coaxing to wake up again but its good having that part done.
Wait, why not switch to an electric radiator fan?
GameboyRMH wrote:
Wait, why not switch to an electric radiator fan?
I just dont need it. Ive never had a clutch fan fail and with this big radiator I never had any issue even in 90 degree heat creeping up. Even with no shroud.
GameboyRMH wrote:
Wait, why not switch to an electric radiator fan?
There is also very little room for fans, decent ones that flow enough air, are small enough to fit and can be operated by the fragile charging system on a 240z is a tall order. They are available but not cheap. The drag of a mechanical fan isn't really noticeable on the torquey L6.
Running after the carb work, water pump, and radiator. Ignore the rigged choke cables.
About 12 degrees this morning in the Atlanta burbs. Had to get out there and play with getting running today. Needs a valve job something awful and some white letter Bfg's. I want to autocross so bad once at least this year.

Since the car has decided to run lately, I rewarded her with new shoes. Some new white letter BFG 205/60/15s.
The white-letter's look excellent! Spot on. I bet you can't wait for warmer weather and some twisty back roads.
It reminds me so much of my old Scirocco in a very positive way. I guess I have a thing for crusty green paint and gold mesh wheels.
Yes! Autocross and road trip to the beach are something on my list to do with the car after I get more shakedown miles on her. It has only been driven about 90 miles since 1989, all of which by me over the last 8 months.
In reply to crankwalk:
Nice car, great build, what is next?
Billy_Bottle_Caps wrote:
In reply to crankwalk:
Nice car, great build, what is next?
Thanks BBC! Getting the front bumper back on and valance piece then hopefully a valve job and some more carb tuning.
I'd love to put some miles on it this year.
i was just about to ask if you ever intended to put that front valance on that I sold you months ago. . . . also, I see no logical excuse for the passenger emblem not bieng installed yet
haha jk. . . . kinda
2K4Kcsq wrote:
i was just about to ask if you ever intended to put that front valance on that I sold you months ago. . . . also, I see no logical excuse for the passenger emblem not bieng installed yet
haha jk. . . . kinda
Haha! I was sanding and getting the surface rust off and wondered if I should wait till after paint to the emblems or just put them on now. I don't want to break them removing the again. Gonna give it a shot today and get it on.
right on man, I don't blame you for not wanting to break them. just glad to see this car still getting the love it needs.
Still tweaking the front bumper to get it on. Drove it around today for some more shake down time and made it GRM official.

Freaking... rad. I'm not sure I'd have the heart to paint it, looks berking fantastic as it stands.
I decided to finally get the exhaust all welded together. Much quieter and deeper now.

Alrighty, long time without an update here. I've had trouble with spark on this time since I got it. The random cutting out and missing has been narrowed down. I'm getting sort of weak spark on some plugs and virtually nothing on 4 and 5. I replaced the coil, cap, rotor,points, condenser, plug wires,plugs, added 2 big grounds and it is still doing the same thing.
I'm stumped. Maybe the actually distributor is worn but i'm not sure why I have spark on some but not other plugs. Sometimes I can get it to fire up and run rough and other times I can't get it started. I haven't driven in since I made the 3 mile round trip to get the exhaust welded up in March and it did ok that day.

10/30/14 5:04 p.m.
No logical reason to suggest this other than it happened in the Brit car community and drove a few of us right around the bend.
Check that the new rotor is not grounding to the spindle. Do this by holding the coil wire to the metal tab of the rotor as you crank the starter. If there is a spark,fly to China and whoop someone upside the head for me; it should NOT be grounded.
This happened to me with two new rotors before someone mentioned that Chinese crap was crap right out of the box and told me how to check. You say it is consistent to two cylinders, so this is a long shot, but since you are stuck, might as well cross it off.
One at a time I would try the old condenser and coil just to see if they make a difference.
Have you changed plugs and plug wires one at a time to see if the problem moves with the part?
I am sure you know this trick, but if you put the timing light pick-up on the suspect cylinder, misses are pretty obvious when you look at the light.
If you give the distributor shaft a wiggle, can you see play?
Thanks for the suggestions.
Chinese junk IS junk. I replaced all my wires which were brand new Autozone crap with NGK's just to hopefully eliminate quality control issues.
I'll definitely check the coil wire to the rotor and see if its sparking. It's just driving me nuts!
10/30/14 5:25 p.m.
Curious how you are judging the quality of the spark/cylinder?
SU carbs are another issue with me. I no longer trust the book method of setting the float level. What I do now is to remove the bell and blow a little puff of air at the jet. The fuel should just slosh over into the barrel. If it does not, the float is too low, if it floods into the carb throat, then it is too high. Just fixed friends Healey doing this after he fought it for two years.
I am holding each individual plug up to the strut tower bolts. I get spark on some and not on others. Switch the wires and its still always 4-5 with nothing and various degrees of weak spark elsewhere.
The SU's are a different animal. This is my second set on the car, I've cleaned them and the look ok but I can't get the car running on all 6 long enough to sync them again. Ha! So they may be an issue too but for sure ignition is a problem.