In reply to NOHOME :
Here are the metal high spots I had. I think your right that I can take more off all across the bottom at the body line there. The body line is acting as an artificial "high" I think!
And again I REALLY appreciate all the help :D

orthoxstice said:
Off topic slightly, does anyone know what those 1979's Ford suburban/travelall style trucks like the one from up the thread were called? I've seen them in Mexico and think they're so cool.
I'm a long time fan of the dent-side Fords; 1st was a 76 F230 back in 79. I never knew they made a body like that... I assumed custom when I saw the picture. Does look like something Ford of Mexico or Brazil would do.That gloss grey looks great.
In reply to java230 :
I'm missing something here- that looks like a 53-55 F100 cab not a cornbinder?
In reply to purplepeopleeater :
The Gray truck I posted? Yes, its a Ford. Just the color I am aiming for.
4/3/20 12:41 p.m.
Getting there. You can certainly take more mud off . But not from the area I circled between the two high spots.
Use the 16 inch block and work it in the "X" patern concentrating on the area below the horizontal line. Dont stay below religiously because you do want to blend, but I think you have too much filer leading up to, and up the slopes of the bodyline. Ideally you want to see metal where the panel transitions up the curve of the bodyline and no filler on the bodyline slopes. You might want to get something with a round body for sanding up to the bodyline, or learn to "roll" the block as upi go up the slope. I have a drawer full of shapes that I use to sand tight contours.
Stop when you hit metal.
On the bottom, I would be playing whack-a-mole with the cirlced high spots and keep sanding.

NOHOME said:
Getting there. You can certainly take more mud off . But not from the area I circled between the two high spots.
Use the 16 inch block and work it in the "X" patern concentrating on the area below the horizontal line. Dont stay below religiously because you do want to blend, but I think you have too much filer leading up to, and up the slopes of the bodyline. Ideally you want to see metal where the panel transitions up the curve of the bodyline and no filler on the bodyline slopes. You might want to get something with a round body for sanding up to the bodyline, or learn to "roll" the block as upi go up the slope. I have a drawer full of shapes that I use to sand tight contours.
Stop when you hit metal.
On the bottom, I would be playing whack-a-mole with the cirlced high spots and keep sanding.

OK good points. So you think whack the lower high spots down?
The body line isn't really rounded up to it like many are, its kinda just a break line between the upper and lower panel sections. The hood has a more traditonal raised/rounded body line. I do have a round durablock as well.

4/3/20 1:33 p.m.
If the bodyline is just a brek, then all the more reason to not bury it in filler. I want to be ther to actually run my hand over the panel in the worst way so that I can really know what is going on.
But yeah, I would want to tap the circled high spots. I get the feeling you would rather build up to cover high spots rather than beat the tin to lower the individual high spots. It can be intimidating. It's just tin.
If you get frustrted with one panel, go to another one that seems easier. It will let your brain noodle on the challenge where you got stuck and as you do the other panel You will learn what works and be able to apply it to the panels that are more difficult.
In reply to NOHOME :
It feels damn smooth :D Getting closer for sure.
I can beat the highs down, but Literally beat them into a low ......
4/3/20 4:21 p.m.
In reply to wheelsmithy (Forum Supporter) :
You gonna need a bigger bucket!

4/3/20 4:22 p.m.
Nice work - when you're done (and from where I'm sitting you're getting faster/ better as you learn) you're gonna have a lot more success and it looks pretty doggone decent already. Keep it up.
I started reading this about 2 hours ago because I am about to build a similar shed in my backyard, lol. :D
In reply to Jake :
I just did then trim on the shed last week!
You guys are going to need more popcorn.... This is a slow project.
Had to go to the shop for some company paperwork, welder is there so I took the new fender with me.

OK had an hour to dig back into sanding today!
Threw tape on the body line, worked great to not hit it, I could feel the tape, not so great after I hit it a bunch and couldn't peel it off without it being tiny pieces.....
Went to town like I had way to much filler on. I do. I was totally filling to the body line as I was kinda using it as a "high", took a lot off without big highs coming thru.

Wheel well is kicking my ass. I cant get it shaped right..... It was in a wreck and a body shop there at some point....

These three got whacked with a hammer. Will throw another quikc coat on them and keep going. I want to get epoxy on this thing ASAP.

4/14/20 10:18 a.m.
Supposed to be 70 Thursday. Need to get new fender painted! Welded more studs, pulled more. Not much change. May be good enough.
4/14/20 11:30 a.m.
Based on this I would say you have turned the corner on the learning curve.
Some stuff is still going to frustrate you but that is why its called work! Looking good.
The floor looks amazing. I used the leaf blower to do the final dust cleanup out of my shop so that I could spray coatings. It was spectacular.

4/14/20 11:41 a.m.
In reply to NOHOME :
All the brain noodling with you guys has been immensely helpful. Realizing I was filling TOO the body line changed everything. I was hitting old guide coat I was taking so much off. More to go too!!! I think I can take more off all through that middle section. I still have a couple low spots, one right at the door frame/fender transition, plus the ones I hammered :D
I probably wont get to it today sadly.... Work E36 M3....
4/14/20 12:17 p.m.
In reply to java230 :
I agree that you should be able to thin out the middle a bit more.Especially the area along and below the red line. That long of an expanse should show a bit of metal in the middle when you are done.
The spot with the arrow is a diabolical feature that is contributing to the low area in the triangle.
The bottom of the panel looks like where it is going to be. There are enough shiny bit distributed around the area that I dont think you are going to get away with a thinner coat of mud unless you do a lot of metal work.

In reply to NOHOME :
Yes the edge of the door is pretty high from the stamping it looks like as well. I am just going to call that area good enough for now. Paint will tell if its worth going back too.
The issue is I welded holes all along that line, which cause a bunch of spots that needed work. I doubt I will get a nice big expanse of metal there.
I beat the hight spots in the lower panel down, Ill throw a quick coat on them and see what that does.
the wheel well is going to be the killer part. not quite sure how to nicely shape that yet.
Also any tips for the very back edge (towards the tail lights). Seems like its kinda crap shoot on rounding that nicely.
Couldn't resist..... Just filling pin holes in the main areas. Hit the couple low spots. I need glazing putty!
Just about to call this one done! (after more sadning....)

Ok calling this one done for now, a high is coming out in the middle so I stopped.
Wheel well may need some more work.... Idk.
What I learned. I put WAY to much mud on. Yeah I covered the panel.... But didn't 'skim' it thin enough.

Started on the upper driver's door. I got the mud on thinner, and it's going much better.

Took the 8"da to the stuff further back..... It's thick.
4/15/20 8:54 a.m.
I use the durablocks for darn near everything. I have about a dozen in different shapes and sizes. You can "roll" the block around corners.
For curved tight areas I have foam pipe insulation.
A sponge with paper on the front comes in handy to sand some contours.
The oly hard rule is that your hand never touches the back of the paper.
In reply to NOHOME :
Pipe insulation, interesting idea!! thats soft and would conform a bit. I ended up with a green 1lb propane tank with sandpaper stuck to it 
Yeah its just that curve at the top of the fender, and trying to "rebuild" it in the spot it was beat in.
I "rolled" the durablock over the end round areas. Used the 6" as it seemed a bit easier. We will see how it looks after primer.
More sanding will have to wait..... Wife is mad I made the garage so dusty.... Apparently since I am using the whole thing, part of it is hers.... I need to clean and make some curtains and ceiling..... Its gonna take a bit.
Started on the ceiling.... Need to have a ceiling to have walls. Using tyvek.

And time! Still have a couple lights to deal with, but ceiling is done!