I had a pretty successful morning. First I headed to Advance Auto to order a master cylinder-there I discovered that I can get it online for cheaper. I'll be ordering that later today.
Next I headed to East Coast Z, a Z junkyard off Bainbridge Blvd. in Chesapeake. As is common, it wasn't open (the owner is about as reliable as a broken watch), so I decided to head to another one of my favorite junkyards, Always Used Auto Parts.

I don't always have a ton of success there, but it is one of the most fun junkyards to walk through due to the old cars you can find in the WAY, WAY back. Here are a few of the cars I passed along the way.
Remnants of a Daihatsu Rocky

Fiat X1/9 Bertone

A very strange "custom" Beetle

Poor MR2

Awesome old Corolla wagon

Anyone ever seen this sticker before? Is it OEM? If so, I want one! I'm tempted to buy the whole window just to get the sticker!

Just when I thought my trek was going to be unsuccessful, and I had headed back toward the entrance, I saw a section with a few newer (Z31 and Z32) Z's in it. Then I spotted it...a lone S30! And it was my cars twin! A blue '75, the only difference being that this one was an automatic.

I was able to snatch an ignition w/ key, a psgr side door lock cylinder, and a B-pillar Z emblem for $35.

There are probably a few bigger items I can snag off here too, but I decided to just get these few things for now. I also took pics of how the window regulator was adjusted, since the psgr window went up and down really smoothly.
I got home, plugged in the ignition, and she fired right up! Definitely a successful day! Hopefully tomorrow I can mess with the windows.