Rooting through some old pictures and found some from my carbine build. Figured screw it, I'll do a non-car build thread. These are fun.
Before we begin please understand there will be a firearm in this thread. If you do not like firearms I respect and understand your opinion, but this is not the thread for you, please feel free to check out my $2015 challenge build thread here or look at this neat picture of my time working with a federally-protected endangered species. Or go buy one of these clocks so I can afford to work on my car again and I won't have to drag up old pictures of old builds.
A few years back a friend of mine brought me to his gun club for a competitive carbine course. He loaned me one his Bushmaster AR-15 and the two of us ran the part obstacle course part shooting range event together as a team. We did OK. However the borrowed rifle I was using rang up around $2000 with another $800 at least in optics on top. Ir was fun, but it wasn't that fun. I began to wonder if I could do it for less And set out to find my own rifle.
I would need something magazine fed and semi-automatic. Reliable and cheap. And something that would really sting the arse of everyone else there. I set out to find a Yugoslavian AK-47. The Yugo's are pretty good, but cost moutians less than the Russian Saigas and Chinese Norincos. But with a democrat in office the gun-nuts were going crazy and even these were getting up there in price. Almost a $1000 a piece.
I did however manage to find a well worn Romanian WASR-10 for just under $500. It was a numbers matching 1980 model, manufactured in Cugir and imported by Century Arms International. Most importantly, it was stock. It quickly became mine.

I knew it would need an overhaul to be competitive but I was only at half my budget and I had one of the most reliable platforms on earth. Now all I had to do was make a plan and get to it.
The plan was simple. Upgrade everything inside for reliability and everything outside for usability. To maintain 922r compliance at least 6 components on the rifle must be replaced with clearly labeled US made parts.
This was a great excuse to go shopping. I looked around broke out the debit card and made my list.
Tapco intrafuse Quad-rail foregrip (OD Green) $50
Tapco intrafuse T-6 stock (OD Green) $50
Tapco intrafuse 20 rd magazine (OD green) x6 $120
Houge overmold pistol grip $25
Ergo Suregrip Pistol Grip $25
Tapco G2 single hook Trigger group. $35
K-var spring kit $35
Power Custom recoil buffer $15
No name 3-point sling $40
Total: (less shipping) $395
The parts were ordered and I sat at my front door waiting for the UPS man.
Is it very accurate? I couldnt ever hit E36 M3 with my old gp1975, I still love old commie weapons though.
In reply to chiodos:
It's accurate enough. For the event that I run I need to hit a man sized target at 20-30 yards. It's scored in hits to misses ratio. I can do that.
It's not sub-MOA or anything, but it's effective, and I've got less into it than most people have in their optics, so I don't really make friends...
Ian F
3/31/15 1:55 p.m.
Cool. Umm... would you be interested in parting with the original wood fore-grip, stock and grip?
In reply to Ian F:
As I'm in the process of planning a move, the whole thing may be for sale soon, so it really depends on if the new owner want the original equipment too. I'll keep you in mind though, if it doesn't sell.
For the event that I run I need to hit a man sized target at 20-30 yards.
Good build.
I did USPSA for fun and used a AR-15 in 7.62x39 I built and it was fun and worked well. You for sure should be good with this AK. The build looks like it will work well.
I had an AK side mount rail I used from my 5.45 that I sold... wish I didn't give it to my friend otherwise I would send it over to you. I suck at AK sights so I needed a red dot for it, lol. I used an aimpoint clone from this company primary arms that was only like $70, worked really well and was durable. Still have it after a few years working good on my AR
the whole thing may be for sale soon

Just read this
In reply to kanaric:
Oh don't frown... that Means that if you like it, It could be yours. Trying to dig up some more pics to continue the build... If not I may just strip the rifle and "build" it again...
It's actually been done for... 3 seasons now.