So are you telling the software you want in your first example 30.78* of steering on the left wheel and then it computes the other wheel? I can't quite decipher what you are inputting for steering anlge to determine what the software is doing.
If your arms are actually 1.5" below LBJ and you are running 10* KPI you need to move them another .3" ouboard per side to get close to 100% Ackerman. I would expect if you took the first model and put them .3 per side further outboard(seems to be the 26.5 number?) You would get really close to ideal Ackerman.
Your 3 runs have different total degrees of f turn. It does not appear the software corrects for that so your error is simply lowest in the run that had the least steering angle. It looks like your 3 runs just increased the lenght of the steering arms but left the distance from centerline the same. I'm very confused why the x dimension on the upper and lower are the same.. This software clearly works with a strange method of dimensional input.