Holy crap, it's been a long time since I updated this. After my last update, health and weather alternated to make the outside build a no-go, especially seeing as how I needed to do some open-engine surgery. However, in a huge stroke of luck I managed to score indoor shop facilities and lo and behold the build began anew!

Up the car went, and off came the valve covers...

Holy nuts, was it clean. Near spotless. Things were looking up!
Then I drained the sump and dropped the oil pan. Oh boy.

"Busso V6" plus "sitting for a long time" equals "All the coolant drained into the sump". Awesome. Time for the engine to come out.

At least getting rid of that waterlogged firewall insulation will be easy. That and I can properly clean the engine bay.
So much trouble for so tiny a thing.
A short time later, and we have this:

...two completely disassembled cylinder heads (the cams are just sitting in place) and...

...a bare block, ready for cleaning.
The teardown tally shows I need:
-New rod bearings (no surprise here)
-New rings (varnish-seized in a couple of pistons, might as well do them all
-New cylinder base gaskets (the whole reason for the teardown in the first place)
-New plugs
-A few new gaskets
And that's it for the engine. It's in very good shape -- VERY. Everything is within spec and clean as a whistle. The cylinders need a deglaze and the bearing journals are a little manky, but nothing a cylinder hone and some patient polishing respectively won't solve.
And we close out this long resumption post by giving thanks to the author of one of the finest works of literature ever written. Thanks, Mr. Kartalamakis...