Day 2
Next morning broke a bit foggy with occasional sun

There was a lot of debate on whether to actually run due to the 4+ inches of rain that fell. Unlike Summit, which just pools water everywhere and saturates the clay, Panthera is rockier and most of the "BIG" course seemed ok, other than a few of the lower loops we had hoped to use. We started a bit later and decided to just to two big 2 1/2-hour run groups (ended up with 8 total runs on a very big course). The "big" course at Panthera is on the other side of the "mountain" and is probably one of the longer rallycross courses in the country if the full thing is uses. We used about 2/3rds of it today plus the top section of the backside, which made for some long runs. I'll jump back and mention that the new shifter I put into the car last week? Well.....linkage is a bit off in length and I had a TON of trouble with 1-2 shifts all weekend (so, basically at the start since I don't use 1st on course MUCH). My first 3 runs on Saturday I literally spend 2-3 seconds trying to find 2nd and it almost cost me the win (for later runs I just launched in 2nd).
Sunday I decided to go easier off the line and on the first run my 1-2 shift at start was ok. However, this course has a well-known downhill-into-pin turn -into-uphill. I'm generally very good at this turn, and I usualy drop into 1st to rotate the car and make a fast exit back up the hill. So on my first run of course I did this. Mistake. I couldn't get back into 2nd as I coasted around the trun and scrubbed speed up the hill until I finally got back into gear and finished. Result: 3-seconds slower than the top half of the class. Damn.
After the first run I went to chat with someone for like 2 minutes and then jumped back in the car (which had been idling) for my next run. Glanced down and immedialy noticed the coolant temp gauge pegged (!!!). Shut the car down immediately thinking it might just be a glitch or something. Let it cool for a minute and then restarted and immediately saw steam from the hood. Shut it down again but with electrical still on and couldn't hear my fan running. I literally just rebuilt all the fan electrical after a similar issue earlier this year. Figuring it had just boiled over at the reservoir I opened the hood....

That's not from the reservoir, it's from under the IM. Too steamy to check it out at the time, but looks like it was the 4-"prong" heater splitter hose (or that's what I think it is at the moment) must have split or something. The head/block were dry so not HG. Firewall dry so didn't come off there. But it was clearly leaking super-hot coolant under the IM so that pretty much has to be the culprit. MOre on that later when I take the IM off.
So.....with a couple other cars already out from other issues (including Nick's M3, which is one of the few other single-driver cars in our class), I kind of wandered around to see if anyone had a seat. Brian "tiny" Folsom offered up a seat in his in-the-works M50-swapped 318Ti, which I've been giving him advice on for a few months as he builds it for stage. Nick was already co-driving with him but Brian got the OK to triple-up. The car has the power and brakes, but he hasn't done suspension on it yet so it's pretty much just stock-ish stuff with Blistein HDs. Overall, I thought it felt pretty decent and I ran a couple times about a second off the leader pace (as did Nick, I think). Buut....on Nick's 3rd run in the car it cut off on course and would not restart (issue TBD later, but was not determined at the venue...the joys of a new build with a 25-year-old car). At this point EVERY car in the class had two drivers pretty much other than a few guys I don't know well. I was almost resigned to just call it a day when Eric Eisele offered to triple up in his car (already dual-driven with Tom Gsell, usually a MA guy, whose car I drove at the last event0.
- side note, this is what's awesome about DC rallycross....everyone looking out for each other -
So we hot-lapped Eric's car for the rest of the day. In terms of driving dynamics, it feels a LOT like mine, but with a bit less power (M20) and a bit less weight (gutted interior, no cage), and the same tires I was using. From the start I found it easy and intuitive to drive and Eric and I started putting down good times near the top of the pack, even while riding with passengers every run. Long story short, there were about four of us fighting a close battle for 2nd. Mike Golden won that battle in his 2ZZZ-swapped MR2 that's always fast but always cone-y. Well today he drove clean and passed me on his last run with the fastest run in the group for the day (I think), beating me for 2nd by 0.1 second - and my last run was very fast too. The class winner was a DC first-timer (at least in his current car), Rick Landis who runs up in Pennsylvania usually in his BRZ. He apparently made no mistakes all day and ran consistent fast times on every single run, and won the entire class by 5 seconds. I think that's the first *new* MR class winner we've had here in DC in 3-4 years, as far as I can recall. Thank goodness he only comes to occasional events down here since it's 5 hours from his house, lol.
So we wrapped up ane Eric gave me a tow back to the paddock

Will address the coolant hose issue, the fan issue, and the shifter issue at some point this week. 3 weeks until STPR, so plenty of time (knock on wood).