So day of rally we woke up to a misty morning

The only cofffee there was Maxwell House, strong, and no sugar or anything. It was terrible and was a bad start to the day....

Dropped off the trucks and trailers at service and unloaded and set up service spots

And then headed down to parc expose at the square, always a highlight of STPR. This year instead of the usual 100+ cars at the national event (including Subaru USA and others), there were 40, mostly regional competitors. But McKenna Motorsport was there with a Fiesta R5 prototype and a few Fiesta R2's in our class (open 2wd) with fast drivers.

We were 24th on the road and the 4th car to start in our class (behind Dan Downey in his e30 and the two Fiestas). Also there were a pair of e36's (Mike Cessna's M3 and Jared Lantzy and Jason smith in a 325i), plus a couple other Fiestas and the Beetle, and maybe 1 or 2 others I'm forgetting.
Out we went to the first set of stages - twice on the rough WM section and once on the fast, all-uphill Rattler.

Car felt pretty good other than an overly chattery LSD (a known issue, but fine for stage rally, just lousy for actually driving otherwise). After the first set of stages we pulled into service feeling pretty good.

By that point, Downey had cracked his oil pan and was out, and Cessna broke a bunch of stuff and was out (though he restarted and finished the rally after some repairs). Jared and Jason were runing with 1st-3rd-5th gears initially and fixed that at service by changing their shift linkage length.
So you guys all know we use Chris and Sara (Nonack) as our bellweather of sorts. We and they have always been pretty simliar in speed - when they had the Merkur and now with the BRZ, so our goal is as much to match/beat them as to win our own class (they run in Limited 2WD but their car is probably similar in overall prep and power/weight to ours). After the first three stages they had us by about 30 seconds, mostly on account of the first two stages (we beat them by 5 seconds on Stage 3).

Off we went again for another loop, this time Rattler once and WM once in each direction. Once again, car felt good and we were getting faster, and we picked up 14 seconds on Chris and Sara - including 24 seconds on the stage 6, which was to be run two more times for the final two stages so it would have probably been yet another tight finish between us. Also after stage 6, we were in 2nd place (with one of McKenna's fiestas a long way ahead of us (they would finish 4th overall in the end).
Apparently we were a crowd favorite in the switchback spectator area, which was rocky as hell but we did our best to get as sideways as possible

At the same time, we had over a minute lead on the other McKenna Fiesta (in third) and over three minutes on Tim Thomas in the VW (the only remaining cars in the class that hadn't broken or lost time in some other way). Of course, we didn't know the splits at the time, but assumed we were in 2nd with a lead and didn't have to push on the increasingly-rough WM stages. But of course, we also wanted to catch CHris and Sara, who were battling for the L2WD title (and also for the BIG NUTZ trophy for the fastest RWD car). So of course, we went out at 100%.

First half of the stage we were very fast (I think), then about halfway through the rear end suddently felt really soft on the right side and right after that there was some hard banging. At first we thought maybe it was a loose brake caliper, or my rear sway bar (installed but not attached) had come loose and was hitting stuff. The car still felt drivable so we slowed down a bit but kept going at maybe 80% pace. About half mile later, the left rear went "soft" as well and even more banging, and it was clear we had NO damping and that the shocks must have broken or the bolts come loose.
We got to the end of the stage going pretty slow (but still beat bogey time!) and jumped out to check. Sure enough, both shocks had broken near the top and were bashing themselves into adn through the wheel well sheet metal. Luckily the impact for tire changes had a 19mm socket on it for the lugs, and the shock lower bolts are 19mm. So we popped both off, tossed them in the trunk, and did the short transit to do the 8th and final stage.
Before entering the Control we chucked the shocks and all other weight out of the trunk since we'd be on springs only...

We decided to let the entire field pass us in the control so we wouldn't hold anyone up (we got passed by 3 cars near the end of the prior stage while going really slow), and guessed that we could hold onto maybe a 3rd place finish if we just gently drove through the stage at under 50% and were careful to keep the car on the ground. The e30 M3 springs in the back genearlly take a pry bar to get out at full droop with the shocks attached, so we hoped they'd stay in if we drove gently.
First half of the course (the roughest half) we took it very easy, car felt fairly controllable if not a bit sickening with all the bouncing, and as we exited that area into a smoother part of the course, a right-two, I goosed the corner a bit too much, lifted the inside rear, heard a pop, and...

Found the spring sitting in the darkness about 50 ft. behind the car. Unfortunately, our jack couldn't lift the car high enough to get the spring back on in the soft dirt (another thing that needs to be corrected before the next rally). With fast sweep right behind us they asked what we were going to do and we handed in the timecard.......DNF.
IN minor luck, we were at a part of the course that passed near to the service area, so we were able to limp the car back to the service area/post-rally impound right as the last cars were finishing there....goign like 2mph with jim sitting on the hood to try to lift the right rear up enough to move (it worked, barely)

We got a nice round of applause from all the other competitors standing there as we inched into the parc ferme...

After that , we limped the car over to the trailer, jacked it up and put the spring back in and loaded. Stood around with Downey (and Sammie), the other DNF e30 who was the favorite to win the class...

And got to see the Nonacks get their L2WD Winner trophy and the BIG NUTZ from Charli.

So after stoppign at a supermarket to get some food (NOTHING is open in Wellsboro after 10pm) we headed back to the house and hung out for a bit before bed. The trip home was uneventful.
Overall, disappointing since we were running fast and could have picked up our 2nd straight 2nd place in class at STPR, or even a 3rd if we had just carefully gotten the car through the last stage. But it was not to be, such is rally....