i shouldn't like this car. i certainly shouldn't love it. in no way do i have any right dumping any real time or cash into it. however, i have done all 3.
the car is a 1986 turbo t-bird. Turbo Coupes in general are my favorite car of all time, bar none. the mixture of decent speed, technology, comfort, style and boost all come together in these cars in such a way that has not been touched by any other car. sure, there are faster cars, more comfortable cars, nicer looking cars, but nothing ive ever driven comes close to a TC.
this one, is a bit more special. see it has the same birth month and year as i do. its a reflection of me, and some ways is more accurate than i care to admit. were both 30 this year, about to make 31. the car is like looking in the mirror. "its a kind of heavy, kind of ugly, somewhat worn out thing, with a few things broken, a few things recently fixed like new, and a big list of needed improvements". that sentence could describe me or the car, and be no less accurate either way. there have been a few times where the car was a bit less likely to see another birthday than i was, but in the end, I've decided to keep it forever.
i got it about 2 years ago, and it was the most impulsive buy i have ever made. i didn't drive it, i didn't hear it run, i didn't even look at it in person. i received 2 pictures, a price, and i sent back 'SOLD'. i simply needed a car, my truck was down for awhile undergoing a big repair, and i needed transportation. i have a history with TC's, so there was nothing that could break or go wrong i couldn't deal with in short order. heck, i did the head gasket in 4 hours, running to running, and spent ONLY $9.80 for the gasket itself.
but, last month i heard a nasty exhaust leak, and i lost a cylinder. uh-oh... turns out i broke the head of a manifold bolt, and the resulting gas charge melted a plug wire.
so i removed the entire turbo assembly, and drilled out the bolt. then i broke a tap off in the head. so i plasma torched that out. then i re-tapped the hole a 2nd time, which went fine. so, put it back together? nope. my truck is now a 13 f-150, reliable as gravity. the weathers nice, so im gonna fix a few nagging things. this list turned into a notebook, which is now turning into a build thread. i don't have any competitive plans for the car, just a nice driver, with some power and handling prowess.
first, i found a crack in the turbo manifold. some high nickel rod and my FILs ancient arc welder, and the welds are ugly but should hold.
then i removed the front clip, as i had new fenders for it. the ones on it were rusted beyond repair, and one had damage from a snowstorm related accident last winter. and yes, Thunderbirds are useless in bad weather.
then, i found the lower radiator support was gone. not rusted, not even rusted out, it was frigging gone. i removed it with a gloved hand, it was that loose. so i cut back till i found good metal, and remade a lower support out of 1x1 box tubing, and some sheet metal angles.
and here it is, all painted up with rust converter and gloss black.
i then ran a new cold air intake. most guys with these just drop a cone filter on the end of the air meter, but i have seen real world difference between that, and running a pipe to where the lower air dam scoops air up towards the radiator. i even found a guy who had done a wind tunnel test to see where the most airflow was, and its on the passenger side, towards the bottom. so that's where the filter lives now.
then i got the new, fiberglass bumper support mounted (5 lbs lighter than the stock steel one, and the old one was bent).
and i began mounting the first fender. anyone who knows these cars might notice that i am installing later model, 87-88 front clip parts on an 86 car. first, i had the parts from my old drag car, and second, i don't particularly like the 4 eye look. plus this is cheaper, and i have never seen a early chassis with the later nose.
so thats where i'm at for now. this week i hope to have the front clip bolted back on with the new fenders, the turbo refitted to the block, and find a location for the inter-cooler. its supposed to go on top of the turbo, but it gets heat soaked there very quickly, and gets zero airflow. id like to move it down low, just behind the radiator, but with a scoop grabbing air from the road, but we'll see. i wont sacrifice clearance or handling for it.
ill keep this updated as much as i can. if you have read this far, thanks, i appreciate it.