Home Sweet Home!
Traveled 5409 miles over 16 days. This trip beats my record of around 5000 miles when I graduated college and took her cross county in the 1990's. Gas was around $3.25 when I left Texas. Came back and it dropped to $2.77. Most expensive was upper NY state $3.90. Cheapest was passing through Ohio $2.55.
Had four problems with the car on this trip. First, the passenger headlight went out when I passed into Michigan.

Second was I lost my passenger brake light a week later...... Nice of Honda to give us spare light bulbs mounted right where you need them. No cup holder, but light bulb holders.....

Third was more breakage of the lower rocker garnish sill...... The hinges are pretty worn after all this time. I had adjusted the door strikers up higher like 10-15 years ago. Not exactly sure what caused it. Occurred beginning of trip when I got to Michigan before I took her into the back country. Have to meticulously remove the sill and bond it back together, change the door hinges and lift the strikers as a start.
Crack starting through the lower right of the sill... And a substantial rub mark from the door lower garnish making contact w the sill (a little upper right from the hole).
Fourth,..... burned 1/3 quart of oil over the trip. Normally do oil changes around 3K, I let this one go for the entire 5400 miles.

I've never taken a car over 300K before. Not a major milestone for modern cars these days, but nice to capture the odometer during the end of the trip passing through New York's I90. She's sitting at 301,326 miles now awaiting oil change.
The car served as a cross country commuter, airport taxi, Daily driver and finally a heavy freight hauler. Came back to Texas w a full load of body panels, transmissions, axles and other misc parts on top of my gear, tools and travel parts. She was weighted down more than I felt comfortable with.
Visited an RPR buddy and dropped off a set of Rims, then visited a buddy and picked up a tranny in Chicago, hunting for 12 days in Michigan.

Crossing the boarder in Michigan from Chicago...

Backwoods hunting waiting for MadMax to get out of the woods. Windy day parked under an 80' Pine. I continually pick pine needles out of my engine bay, sunroof tray and back hatch spare tire well. Memory of where they all came from.....

MadMax and I taking a lunch break. Nice thing about the short wheelbase w this 13' long car is we can turn around just about anywhere on these backwoods 2 tracks as long as we're not inside a rut.

Loved the father and son time. He was out for 6 days. Memories for a lifetime.

At the tail end of the Michigan leg w MadMax, we went to a yard on the way to the airport and got to pick off a Detroit CRX sitting in the yard for a year just rusting away. MadMax's first yarding experience. Glad it started out w a rex. Wheel wells a good example of northern cancer eating these cars away. This one was actually good for its years. It had good lower rocker sills. Needed those to replace my deteriorating ones. I hit 4 yards on this trip. Most wouldn't let me back there. Times have changed. Guys complaining no one wants to work, short staffed and politics/economy affecting their businesses....... This one I had to bribe them to let me take the plastics off as they are tricky to not break. Most of my stuff was prepaid and ordered 3-10 months ago. Wasn't a last minute find by any means. I picked them up on the trip to save the shipping charges and ensure the plastics would survive the transit.

Visited more old friends before leaving Michigan on my way to New York. Again, I drive through the night to get the most out of my days. State line drive-bys.

Had some time to Kill before meeting another RPR member DearBoss in Rochester. Spent the day in and around Niagra Falls. I spent the last 3 days living out of this car... And i did look homeless (look through the back quarter window)..... Didn't bother w a hotel as car was meticulously packed and full of valuables I didn't want left unattended.

DearBoss had been holding a transmission for me for like 15 months off this car. His first car purchased at age 12-14ish. He converted to an SI. He had a parts car we picked off a little as well. Great guy. Glad he took time out of his day to hang out. Hes posted his build on RPR
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I appreciate what hes done so much more seeing it in person. Clever guy. Took away a good amount of tips and lessons hes gone through. Looking forward to implementing some of his ideas and giving credit where due. Looking forward to future conversations and hopefully more visits.

He devac'd his SI. I had not followed this conversion before as i've been keeping everything OEM. But makes a lot of sense as it gets rid of so many vacuum related control parts, dizzy, etc... that's bound to give my a failure down the road some day.

He bought a standard ECU kit and converted for his 1500SI. Kept it generic enough if he later decides to change engines.
Unpacking, cleaning up. Sorting stuff out....
Next planned trip to Denver, then another Florida
Did get some extra humming from my drivers side tire area. Not sure if Its axle related to my work??? Investigation to follow

Added a couple more lines to the map.