Drove back to Michigan and then over to Niagra Falls to pick up some parts on the way back. Clocked 3316 miles. Was a solo trip this time. Cheapest gas was Ohio $2.22. Most expensive NY/PA $3.58. Quick trip. Didn't have much time to spend on this one. Hunting birds again.

Was driving down a 2 track and caught a ruffed grouse on a log. Pix isn't very clear. Its off my phone from video mode zoomed in. But these little guys are the kings of the woods. When they take off, its like a rocket! Full respect for these dudes. Hard to find. Was glad to get a pix of one in the wild. Pix is same caliber at Big Foot. Trust me, its legit. lol. No way you can spot these guys in the woods until they move

Then I'm gearing up at another location. And a deer walks across the gravel parking lot. I whistled, she stopped and started walking over to me.

Grabbed my survival nuts.......

And we were best friends!
There were houses near by so someone tamed this little gal.

I guess I shouldn't have fed her. I hunted this area for a couple hours and she followed me. Was never more than 50' away. When ever I'd turn around, she wanted more attention. Was a cool experience. I hope she makes it.
Then "Houston, we have a problem....." Finally had a failure after 17 years of trips. i was smelling gas in the garage back home. figured it was from the generator fuel tanks. I kept noticing a slight odor when ever id get out of the car on the trip. Popped the hood and smelled across the fuel rail. Bingo! Injector #4 sprung a leak. I had this happen back in the 1990s. One of the injectors back then seeped fuel at the seem of where the injector components were fused together. Metal to Plastic. Same thing happened here.

Pulled out the road side assistance kit.

Removed the leaking injector. And the top fuel seals (green orings) to the remaining 3.... Leak was just above my thumbnail where the black looking grim was forming.

Pulled a used replacement injector out of the kit. This was actually one of the original injectors off this car. Back in the 1990's, I had replaced all 4 w Honda OE for the same problem. Tossed the 3 others in a box and had forgotten about them. after thinking about what could go wrong these trips, I grabbed one as a spare. I couldn't get to the NOS oring kit back then and just grabbed 4 NOS injector sets so I had the seals. Glad it was all there! About a 45 min repair
The fuel was a very slow seepage. Since this was over the alternator, I figured I had better replace it and not take the chance. I carry a fire extinguisher as well.

I had canceled the first trip and rescheduled last minute. I couldn't get the motel for the full duration. Boon doggled it CRX style . Covered the main area of the car w a heavy wool blanket. Then the camo tarp. Kept the car warmer and didn't frost the windows. I had removed the passenger seat and made a bed out of it. was more comfortable than I thought. Coyotes howled all night though.

Brought a tank and stove. Blueberry pancakes for breakfast and birds/rice for dinner. The camping stove worked as a heater inside the "lean-too".
Great trip. Different experience that normal. Glad the car issue was not a show stopper!

Until next years trip. I'll be picking out pine needles for the next 12 months.
She's at 310,185.
CrustyRedXpress said:
greasemonkeyreborne_5x1gs said:
About ready to roll.
Where to? If Denver is still on the list let me know and I might be able to drive down for a drink.
OTOH, the Arkansas river valley has some great roads through the center of CO!
...... CrustyRed, I reached out to ya. So lets connect in the Denver area. I'm not sure of the dates just yet. But will get it dialed in and make it happen. Love to hear your stories!