I was doing some test runs, and had a serious bogging issue. Parked in the drive way the car rev-ed fine. No bogging, stumbling, or any hick-ups. But once I was on the street and accelerated it hit a wall at 3k RPMs. The AFR gauge said it was leaned out as much as the gauge would read. Then it would sputter and pop and then come back to life violently for about 1k RPMs before it would bog again.
So, I bought a fuel pressure gauge to try and figure out what was going on. $20 from Harbor Freight.

I used the T fitting in line before the fuel rail. I was not so lucky to have a simple fitting I could screw into.

I had to make a quick trip to the parts store for a piece of fuel line hose. I snaked it under the hood next to the wipers, and placed on the wind shield facing in. That way I could read it while driving to understand what was going on. Off I went on another test drive. I pressed down hard on the accelerator and while it was bogging there was no change in the fuel pressure. So, I eliminated the fuel pump and FPR as possible problems.
The only component left that could regulate fuel was the throttle positioning sensor. I whipped out my multi meter and was looking for 5volts. I had 5 volts. I had 5volts at every pin. BAD. $23 later after a second trip to the autoparts store I had my new TPS.

After plugging it up my idle instantly became better, I took it for a drive and what a difference! It still wasn't boosting like it should, but I was actually driving. After 4 years of working on it, It felt great. Yes, the interior was squeaky, and the alignment was so bad the wheels would sometimes squeal going forward, but I was going forward!
I let the car cool and went back outside to remove the gauge. When I got there I smelled gas. The line the parts store sold me was NOT a gas line, it was swollen and floppy and had burst open, spewing fuel over the engine bay, I'm lucky it didn't burst earlier when the car was hot or there would have been a fire.

What really annoys me is that the I initially asked for fuel line and even asked a second time when I checked out to confirm it was fuel line and there were like "ummm uh huh fuel line."
I took it for a few shake down drives. Once I found and repaired the boost leak, I discovered that the car was over boosting. It was Oh My God! from 3k to 4k RPMs then fuel cut hit and the party was over. I adjusted my boost controller but it seemed to have no effect. Until I discovered I turned it all the way in the wrong direction. So I was turning it all the way up rather than all the way down.
Still, OMG fun
Second issue is a high idle. Unfortunately the Storm SOHC TPS sensor has a different voltage than the I-Mark. So, I'll have to do some research to see if I can just twist the sensor to turn it down, or if I have to come up with some sort of electronic circuitry to lessen the voltage.
Third issue is overheating. I currently have a push fan. Perhaps I need to swap it around to the other side to become a pull fan. Although I remember talk of the excellent cooling from these half radiators, and how they never really got hot.... hmmm....
Still, OMG fun