Well, apparently I am way behind on this thread. It's hard to stay motivated for this thread, since I am mostly just replacing stuff and bringing the car back to a "mostly stock" setup - as opposed to the rally car thread, which is easier to keep up on because I'm actually doing things, racing, etc.
Anyhow, not even sure where I left off...well, I guess it was before the engine went in.
So, the engine went in...much easier going in and aligning things now that I knew what was going on..
up through the bottom

and in

And there it sat for the next 4-5 weeks while I did other stuff.
Oh, so I could move the car around, I put the suspension and steering back together (loosely) but did throw in some new control arms. Other new stuff is coming here and there. I'll work on suspension next month.
old uck...

new stuff

Then, the car sat for a bit - a victim of empty car budget (being spent on fixing some WRX issues and some e30 rally stuff).
Then, a couple weeks ago, I sold my beloved GT6, which had been in the family for 47 years. A hard choice, but it was just collecting dust in the shed. And as much as I love the idea of the car (and its history), I never much liked driving it and my wife/kids want nothing to do with it. That's why I got this Porsche - something a bit more civilized that they may want to actually ride in and that will be a bit more tolerable/enjoyable for some road trip explorations...
its last day here

and it was bought by a friend who will enjoy it the way I could not, I hope

It actually fetched a lot more money than I expected it to, which turned out to be good for the rally/project car budget. So I ordered a bunch of Porsche and e30 parts. Then the next day, THIS happened...

That's my neighbor's 100-foot red oak. ugh. I have insurance but this kind of thing is always a huge hassle. (Happened 2 weeks ago and almost nothing has been done yet other than removal of the tree)

I was put in a better mood this week by a ton of parts coming in to let me get the engine totally back together and ready to start up soon..
First, I got a bunch of hoses I needed - mostly stuff that goes under the intake manifold for the oil recirc, idle air stuff, and vacuum. Since this area is a PITA to get to, I replaced almost everything in there.

Also did the fuel line and tank seal. They were BADDD

much better now

Then rebuilt the injectors with new caps, o-rings, etc..

And started putting stuff back together. This is how it sits as of tonight. I'd say I'm 90% of the way toward trying to start the car up again, which is pretty good. Nothing too crazy, but it did take a couple total hours to figure out (using internet pics and such) where exactly all the wiring harness, vac lines, and hoses are routed so as not to interfere with each other, the IM, or other things. I think I have it right now, finally...

Yesterday some nice shifter pieces came in too. When I drove this car (well, this drivetrain in the black car) home, it was almost impossible to get it into 1st and 2nd and I've never felt so much slop in a shifter in any car. The 924's rear transaxle and long linkage exacerbated the issue.
So some nice stuff from only944.com, which only sells about 10 things, but they are 10 things that are hard to find elsewhere and the prices are good. I may order his entire catalog before I'm done here lol..

Here is the new shifter up front, compared to the old one. Note the excessive taper wear on the selector nub....no wonder I couldn't get it into gear. I knew these wore down, but I've not seen pics of any THIS bad before..

The other things there are a short shifter and new linkage for the rear end of the shifter on the transaxle. Will do that later this week. But installed the front-end stuff and wow....it's a night-and-day difference! This setup uses thin bearings to allow the shifter to pivot on the rod, but holds it vertical to get rid of slop. I've only pretend-driven in the garage while shifting, but boy it feels good, even before doing the rear linkage.

There's some other little stuff I'm doing, but most of it is boring and not worth photographing. I pulled the rear tow eyes off the car, wire-wheeled them and repainted/reinstalled. And cleaned up a couple exhaust heat shields. Fun stuff. Overall, things are going pretty smoothly though and hopefully will have more updates soon!