OK, another item checked off the list. I've been stalled on finishing the front axle work waiting on parts. Well, actually the money for parts, but same difference.
This afternoon's project was on-board air. Big fat off road tires work better if you let most of the air out of them. They ride better, grip better and shed debris better. That means when you get to the end of the line, you need to air them back up for street use. Hence then need for on-board air. Now, the Samurai is a tiny vehicle. There isn't enough room to throw an air compressor in the back. I also didn't want to wait for days while a little 12v compressor filled a huge tire. So, I did this.
Under the hood was this nice spot where a air horn system was mounted.
(No they weren't mounted like that, I threw them back in for the picture.)
Now, I like air horns as much as the next person, but I need space more, so the air horns had to go. That left me with this much room. Well, it did after I rerouted the winch cables, half the engine wiring harness and the wiring to the passenger headlight.
Now, I didn't want the engine heat cooking the air compressor so I needed to separate it from the engine. I don't have a fancy metal break or shear so I had to build a frame and screw sheet metal to it. It's not as pretty, but it works.

And with the air compressor in it. The box holds the air compressor, hose and all the fittings. All tucked away in a little used spot under the hood.

I still need to paint it and finish mounting everything but I'm pleased with how it turned out.
More to come.
The parts for the front axle showed up today, so you know what I'm doing tomorrow.