Wow, almost as a good deal as I got. I don't want to hijack your thread, but the story's a good one.(copied from facebook)
TL;DR: Picked up a free car, but it was an adventure.
Long story:
So crazy evening went like this: We went grocery shopping, and decided to check my email.. see that I get tagged by , turns out it's an acquaintance who's stuck on the side of the road. So I give him a call, and he's a little.. agitated, and tells me: Come get the car and it's yours. I'm already back on the road, don't worry about me.
So when we get back home Mrs. tpwalsh unloads the groceries and pulls the trailer out while I run out the Hazard Fraught to pick up a come-a-long. (note to self: Buy a winch for the trailer, it'll be worth it after 1 use). Mrs tpwalsh fired up the truck, gets it hooked up and just as I'm about to hop in I hear something that sends a chill through my spine. Nope not a rattler.. a tick... a spark plug tick. (&(&^(. 15 minutes later after getting a socket on 6 of the 8 plugs, I have Mrs tpwalsh fire the truck up. No tick. Got lucky.
We get on the road, and out to the car without any drama. Thank God the guy had left it on a downhill, made pulling it up onto the trailer way easier than it could have been, but it still took awhile... Awhile that the passenger door was open and the hazzard lights were on. Yep, dead battery. It had enough juice to just turn over, so steff hops in the drivers seat, and I start pushing.. the loaded rig. Except it's pointed towards the ditch, so after it's moving pretty good and she still hasn't popped the clutch I start yelling LEFT!! She though I had been run over and slams on the brakes. So we switch positions, only now the truck is all the way in the grass. It took her a good 30 seconds of pushing, but she got it on a roll enough for it to start. Start to get down the road, and I realize I don't have any lights.. the alternator didn't energize. Limped it down the road thinking at least I could get off the interstate when on the off ramp the alternator kicks on. Get home with no more drama.
I have NO idea what I'm going to do with the car yet. Throw 16 valves and belt at it, and daily drive it? Have a Spec Civic Challange at NCAC? Scrap it? Dunno, but it cost some gas and that's it. I'm leaning towards Spec Civic Challange at NCAC.
The next day I put a timing belt on it and it runs... but on 3 cylinders. So I go buy the DX drivetrain from the guy whole sold the car to the guy who gave it to me.. for $75. Low and behold though, when we back it off the trailer, and into the garage the motor changed tone and smoothed out. Wife looks at me, I look at her. I hand her the compression gauge. The hole with 40psi on it now looks like this.

For a $20 timing belt and some gas I got a free car. The title showed up in the mail 4 days later. Crazy.
Fast forward a couple of weeks and all new belts(seat, accessory, timing, and steel belted radials) it's been a decent driver.
Took it out to the first points event.. in the pouring rain. The wife and I laughed the whole time we were on course.

Since then I've put in the DX drivetrain because the guy who gave it to me wanted the 4 speed. I could have told him no, but it wouldn't have felt right. Took my first "swapped" civic out for it's first test drive last night with no issue. Still no idea what I'm going to do with it.