I ordered a fuel pump Friday.
Its got the mark of quality, so you know its good.

Its a Spectra. reviews are hit or miss, and they have the denso modules on ebay for just a little more but I needed it for this weekend, and Autozone had this one.

Old one out. Lack of discoloration in the bucket has me worried this wasnt that old.

Sock looked like E36 M3

The bucket was filled with brown gas, like the filter. I wondered if that was from the old gas that was sitting in the tank for atleast a year. So I looked in the tank and it wasnt great but not terrible.

When I was fixing this trap door a couple days ago, I was hoping I wouldnt be using it this soon but its all done

I also got a random DTC 16 while data logging the other day, thats the dreaded Opti code. Its normally associated with an opti failure but Ive found it to be the wiring that runs down to the opti more often than not. I got one off amazon for like 15 dollars.

I hooked the fuel pressure gauge up and drove around, 45 psi and rock steady no matter what. What to go chinese fuel pump.
Then I loaded up a tune with the stock timing table and went and datalogged

knock counts were definitely down, but the 3500-4500 rpms in PE still had a lot of knock retard. At this point I knew the fuel system was good and it probably had good gas in it and most of the ignition system is new, so let roll with it.
I loaded back up the more aggressive timing table and figured Id just leave it in the event Street night didnt get rained out.
It looked gloomy all day but around 2 or 3 it looked like the track was going to be open, so we rounded everyone up and headed out.
The White trash Camaro is a coworkers turd gen that has some slicks and skinnies, heads and cam and a carb intake. He was running 8.5s to my 9.1s at the 1/8th last week and after a week of E36 M3 talking I needed to beat him or at least out MPH him. So we lined up, I had no changes from the previous runs except the fuel pump. I knew itd run a little better but Id still be experiencing a ton of KR, so I had to do something.
A chase is a race, right?
It ran a 14.0 at 100 mph in the 1/4
9.0 at 80 in the 1/8th
So from just the fuel pump I gained a tenth and a half and 3 mph in the 1/8th
I loaded up the tune, killed Knock Retard in Power Enrichment mode, loaded a BLM blocker, and made afr adjustments (based on the stock narrow band sensors), I called this the #kaboomtune. I had removed all of the safety net of the stock hardware, lets hope for the best.
Ran a 13.55 at 102.
It didnt pop so thats a win
The owner of the White Trash Camaro wanted another fair race obviously. I wanted to know if the stock intake was a restriction so I yanked it off and just left the MAF to draw air off the left header. Im in the left lane

He treed me, but I cut my best 60" of the night and had literally just enough real estate to run him down, youll see the margin of victory is .0085.
I also gained 3/4 of a mph in the eighth and quarter, so I know intake mods will actually help, and after reviewing datalogs that's with 12 degrees celcius hotter IATs.
Overall I was pretty happy. Most of my 60's were in the 2.3 range, so Im hunting some radials now, before I make the full plunge to slicks and skinnies.