Oh wow. It's been longer than I thought since I posted on this thread....
I've had to battle a couple of leaks on this bad mf-er.
First is the oil cooler o-ring. On the type SH's the oil cooler sits on a little aluminum pedestal that angles the oil cooler up. I believe this is to clear the ATTS unit. But the o-rings in the oil cooler are prone to plasticizing, cracking, and then leaking everywhere.
I'd already done the one behind the oil cooler itself quite a while ago. I thought it was a little odd that I had to do it again already. But it turns out it was really the o-ring behind the little aluminum pedestal.
Not fun, but it was doable in the end....

The oil cooler itself is the tuna can shaped piece on the upper end of the picture. The pedestal is to the left of it. Coming in from the side is the best way to get at it, but there's definitely not much room to work with....
Next up was the power steering hose. I originally bought one from Rock Auto, but the pressure fitting was brazed on backwards. I decided since I plan on keeping the car forever I probably should just go ahead and spring for the OEM one, so I bought a replacement hose from Honda. Pricey, but it is nice that it looks all OEM. And fits.

I wish everything was that shiny. That's all the p/s fluid that's been sprayed everywhere....

The pressure sensor fitting. It's also in just the wrong place for reaching a little bracket that I have to remove to get out the hose.

Lucky for me this little o-ring is still in pretty good shape.

The new hose. Looks nice.

In the car and leak free!
Then I took it to one of those self-wash places so I could really clean all the p/s fluid out of the engine bay. I guess I should have gotten some engine bay shots, but the car is still looking good after all these years!