OK guys (and girls). Need some ideas. Late night get together ended with a bet on my old 2001 xterra I had setting. My buddies bet me I couldn't wring any more power out of the old girl. I remember a you tube vid of some kid who turbo'ed his with a remote mount turbo, so i'm trying to figure out if I should take the bet or fold. Any ideas are welcome, but can't be high dollar. Motor stays (VG33DE) which I know was twin-turbo'ed in the 300Z as a 3.0 liter. My initial thoughts are a remote mount T3/T4 (or whatever) Will a 300z TT ECU control the motor? Piggy-back controller? MAP sensor?
Man! should have just let it go. But I do love a challenge. GO TEAM XTERRA!
Doubt a Z32 ECU will control it.
Simplest stock ECU option might be the Supercharged Xterra motor. Might account for a few PSI, no idea how it'll like a turbo.
Megasquirt is cheap these days.
People have put that bottom end in Z31 300zx Turbos for more displacement, so it should be robust enough.
- Yeah, kinda figured that.
2.That's what I was wondering too.
3.M-S is at the top of the list right now.
Really wish I still had Mike Kojima's email. lost it when hard drive ate itself.
Megasquirt is nice. Although from my personal experience, it's way easier to start on one section and go to the next. I tried doing squirt and spark at the same time. I found it easier to sort one out and then do the other. Night and day. Then again, my trigger setup was pretty stupid.
If it works, it ain't stupid.
meisterschutze wrote:
If it works, it ain't stupid.
Well, true to a certain degree. I suppose a better way to put it was, "There's a whole lot more efficient ways it could have been done."
I originally gutted and locked down the ignition distributor and set static timing and ran the hall effect from that to a 4 pin HEI module. The thing is, with the HEI module, it was made to trigger via ground (which is useless for megasquirt 1). So I used a low ohm resistor (I want to say 200ohm? I'd have to go look) piggy backed from a 12v source. So basically, every time the HEI module "fired" it would release around 12v to the megasquirt for a signal.
This is a really old picture I found on my photobucket with it in a nutshell.

But now it's different. I've actually rebuilt it, MSD controls ignition, and tacho is my trigger, and the trigger signal is far better than the other was.
New Reader
6/20/15 9:25 p.m.
As a owner of a 2000 pathfinder with the same underpowered (but bulletproof) engine, I'd love to see you find a cheap and effective solution.
How much space is in that engine bay? I am thinking that an old Ford Supercoupe M90 supercharger might be easier and more usable power than a laggy remote mount turbo. The S/C Xterra ECU would see similar conditions as well. Not sure that is worth considering though. I vote direct to an MS2 or better. Save yourself the initial heart ache of dicking around with stock ECUs on a custom application.
Sorry for late response. I wasn't on the computer this weekend. I do agree with you., Singleslammer, but cost then becomes a larger issue. Already have some turbos that approximately meet size and volume criteria. from an abandoned Jet engine project. Priced out used S/C Xterra gear and the price was $$$$. I just need to find something relatively cheap. I also have no problem in cutting a hole in the hood to fit "whatever". Also, Thanks to Swank Force One and Corsepervita for their input. To everyone else, feel free to suggest anything. All input is greatly appreciated !