Well it's been a month, and admittedly the Toyota and the house get the 99.9999999% of my attention, but now IT'S AUGUST!!!!! and you know what that means! Another track day!!!!!

As of yet, I haven't uploaded the video (or even looked at it) but I spent the whole day having go-pro problems so I hope the half session I think I got recorded is good, because my day sure was. (Quick shoutout to Preach. I mounted the camera right near the rearview and selected "wide view". The previews of what I could see looked promising.)
So right out of the gate I turned the DSC off. My first of 8 runs that day was SLOPPY!!!! I'm all over the place. Too hard on the brakes, trying to turn too much, going too fast, braking too late... it's awful and it's exactly what I think my first session should be. Between runs I walk the paddock, and I'm still floored by the amount of money that shows up out here...

There's modified Lamborghinis, Ferraris, you name it.
Meanwhile I'm over here using my car's jack as a chock because I forgot my chunk of wood I normally use 

The second run, and I cue up right behind a caged/turbo Mini (of modern variety). This guy is on it, and I'm tagging right along like his little trailer because he is making short work of all the traffic ahead of us. I decided early on I was going to use this guy as a track-day instructor, the same way I wanted to use the Z-car guy back in July, and he's making me work for it (and I love every second of it). In the straights he's got more "oomph" than I do and he can slowly pull away, but with 9000rpms to play with I can see that I've got much much longer legs. While this is 90% a 3rd gear track for me, I can see him rowing through the gears like it's going out of style. And every time he shifts, I get > < that much closer 
That is, until the last turn (T23 on the map)... I've really been trying to work on my "look ahead to go faster" but there's no escaping what I'm seeing in my peripherals. I'm going to be VERY close to the edge of the track. And then it happens. My eyes dart from where I WANT to be, to where I think I'm going to lose it (for just a split second) and the car follows.... In a spin, both feet in...
I end up coming to a rest on the side of pit lane, so once I verify that the flags are out, and no one is coming, I limp it back to the paddock. Nothing hurt on the car of myself, so it's just the usual lug torquing and I'm ready for the next session.
When the cars from my group returned from their session, the mini-driver and I had a pretty good laugh about the "off" and we talked a bit about his car. It's nothing but a shell of a Mini really, and at this point I'm hoping for another chance to follow along.

The guy also had a Lotus-7 replica of some sort that I've seen on the track (It's a dead even match for my Mazda, and another that I use for free trackday instruction). He tells me that what he does is buys two admissions. One to group-B (slow race cars), and one to group-C (street cars) and that way he gets more seat time. He just comes off the track in whatever car he's in and grids up for the next heat without leaving his seat.
Anyhoo, the third outing was pretty uneventful but at this point I'm really feeling like the car is way slicker than it should be and I cant figure out what's going on. Each session I'm dropping 1psi in all four tires and so far it hasn't made much of a difference at all. After 2-laps, the rear end keeps trying to come around under hard braking. It's not anything I cant manage, but it's really got me wondering....
I'm definitely running somewhere in the front half of the pack as the fast guys leave me (4 or 5 people), and the slow guys never catch me (unknown # of people) but I really want to sort this out. So after the session, I do two things:
1) fill up the tank with gas. I was down to 1/3 tank.
2) get out my trusty GRM Trackday Companion.
This should be easy as nothing on my car is adjustable except the driver and tires. The GRM manual says I'm either braking too hard and too late (driver issues), OR it's tire pressure (I'm betting it's the first).
4th session was uneventful and after that we got an hour to take lunch. While I was out, Mrs Hungary and the boys arrived with one of the eldest's friends in tow. The kid was absolutely FLOORED to be at the track (his parents told us he couldn't sleep the night before) so we spent lunch walking around the track taking his picture with his phone 

I don't think a single car out there escaped him posing in front of it. The Lamborghini and a 1960's Mustang (painted sorta like Eleanore) were his favorites. The Mustang picture is now his new background for his phone 
By 2:40, the 5th session is going and I'm out and at it again. This time with the kids as my audience!
Aaaaaaaaand I spin again... Right there at T8 on the map. It was a couple laps in, but again I'm letting the car slide to the outside while I look ahead and just for a SECOND I look at what I don't want to hit and the car follows. This time, though I'm carrying a LOT more speed. This is a section of the track that I usually keep the car pinned at 9krpms for a good while. Really it would probably benefit me to shift up into 4th, but the car gets REAL floaty if I do, and I've got some serious braking to to before some uncomfortably tight turns. Anyhoo, the outside tires go off the track and the car spins round and heads to the inside of the turn. Both feet are in, the car is facing the wrong direction, and sliding sideways UP a hill towards a fence... of course I safely come to a stop before I hit anything, but still... Not fun.
The track organizers allow us to return to the track after an off if our car is 100%, and since dust and grass clippings on the windshield were the extent of my damage, I decided it was safe to do so. I verified there was no traffic, got back on tarmac, and headed at a decent pace for that pit lane. Again, no issues noted in the paddock so I torqued the lugs, cleaned my windscreen, and got ready for the next session.
But now this is REALLY bothering me. Why the hell does my car feel so damn SLICK??? I can seriously slide this thing, tires wailing, from the beginning of the corner to the complete outside limits of any available real estate. When they say "use the whole track..." well, my car is sliding across the WHOLE TRACK and now I've gone off twice...
So I spend some time going over old notes (copied from the pages of the trackday companion) and I'm comparing tire temps, tire pressures, and tarmac temps to my previous outings, and nothing is coming across as a red flag... Nothing.
Maybe I've heat cycled the hell out of my R888r's and this is just what they do?
And then I look at my lap times... 
The organizers issue transponders for your car, and at the half-way point in the day they post your times to your account on their website.

My FTD for the session back in July was 2:30 and I was STOKED that I hit that. It's the upper limit of what they consider a "street car"! I looked at my times that were CONSISTENTLY 3-4 seconds under that for the morning session and I almost fainted 
I know they say you shouldn't look at your lap times during track days, but I'm changing that. I think you should. This whole time I thought my car was having issues, and I was 100% wrong. The car's sliding because she's got nothing more to give! This is it! I'm 5-seconds beyond the limit for what they consider a "street car" and now I'm solidly into what they consider a "race car". All in a car who's trackday prep involves removing the child seats!
Anyhoo, the boys were about done at this point and so was Mrs. Hungary so they all headed home. I aired down another .5psi in each tire and by the 6th run she was SPOT ON. The sliding was reigned in, no more back end coming around... So spot on, in fact, that I didn't even run in the 7th run. Why not you ask? Because the 8th run was the "Time Attack" and I wanted her just the way she was (if I had run the 7th, I would have needed to get gas again as I was nearly down to 1/3 tank again) and I was afraid that'd upset the balance I had going on.
Anyhoo, come that 8th run (Time Attack) we were off like a shot. When all was said and done, I posted a new personal FTD of 2.25 and came in 58th out of the 73 vehicles in attendance that day, and placed 10th out of the 28 vehicles entered in the "Street Car" category.
That guy in the raced out Mini? Yeah, he took the trophy for our group...
but the boys' friend (Adam) made me this out of some paper and bamboo:

And I'll take that over some plastic track-day trophy any day of the week 
In fact, first thing I did when I got home was hang it on the wall in my garage.

Damn good times.