So how much NC Miata can you buy for 10K? This much:
The question comes up a bit so I thought I'd give what my answer was. I will also say there are a lot of rough 10K NCs out there, but some great deals to be had too. I'll use this to chronicle my trials and tribulations.
The NC was to replace my 16V Sciroccos I had been daily driving for the past 5 years. I've tuned them and tweaked those VWs on a shoestring budget, and I could have really let loose and put the car payment into steady repairs, but the NC was one of the few cars that put a smile on my face the same way and better. So the NC would have to take on the same duties, getting me to work 5 days a week no matter what Philly area weather will throw at me, while getting tuned to my flavor.
This particular car is an 2006 Grand Touring with the sports package installed, with just shy of 95K miles on her.
She looked very good for the constant use of daily driving in the Tristate area.
A refusal by the dealer to remove the trunk rack before I was sold gave me some concern, but it was unfounded. Aside from very slight discoloration from the straps it was in good shape.
Then there was this: Missing trunk carpet and the plastic paneling kind of hanging there. But the rest of the car was in such good shape and I was happy with everything else I wasn't thrown off enough.
I would later find out there was a leak that had saturated the back end when it rained. A loose nut on the passenger tail light assembly wasnt allowing a sufficient seal. With a dry trunk I added lightness, no more plastic panels. except for the aft most which holds the trunk light and trunk button disabler
Add in a solid tuneup with oil change, the finicky 6 speed Transmission getting new genuine Motorcraft oil, Redline in the diff, and the plugs looked original, so out they went. Surprisingly the coolant passed the pH test and brake fluid passed the copper test, although I will probably do the latter with some unopened ATE Blue I have laying around.
Two days after coming home it seems the weather sought to remind me why it was a good thing I have rear wheel drive and gave me a light dusting of snow to play in.
I've been doing quite a few other things too, but I'll break this into a few posts.