I've repainted the stock wheels on my Suzuki SX4 twice. First time was Duplicolor Wheel Paint Bronze. Came out pretty brown. Second time was Rustoleum Warm Gold. It's not from any special line, just a metallic (sorta barely) spray paint. Much prefer the Warm Gold and would A= recommend if you want to spray wheels for something just a touch darker than the gold on Lancia Stratos wheels.
I also used some of that 2-part rattle can clear and wouldn't recommend it again as it started flaking after a year. I think slightly softer normal rattle clear wouldn't have done that and didn't with the previous paint job using Rustoleum gloss clear for wheels.
In reply to John Welsh :
Found one good one at furrs, and was able to order a new bezel for the shifter spot.
And the more i drive it, the less i k ow what the seat needs, if anything.

super glue repair so i dont have holes jn the dash driving me nuts till tbe replacement parts get here.
I'm loving this. I still vote pumper turbo dodge wheels.
berkeley. Speedometer, odometer, shift display, etc all just crapped out. Only thing i have is thw check engine light and turn indicators. Mfd is pretty much useless too. Worked fone all day, ni reason for it to have quit while the car was parked.
In the trunk, disconnect the battery. I do this by disconnecting the two "click closure" plastic harnesses.
Disconnect and then quickly reconnect. After that, do you now have dash lights?
Start with this video. In that video description he links to the $6.99 part purchase needed.
Video of combination meter replacement
My $500 Prius had the same problem and I fixed it my self with the first video.
Open ebay and search combination meter where you will find replacements if you want to buy a refurb rather than refurb it yourself.
If you refurb it yourself, the odometer will continue to read your true mileage, not reset to zero.
If you need a solution for today, download a speedometer app to your phone or there is one in Torque app.
Sorry, this still doesn't give you a gas gage or odometer.
Another oddity I noticed. Without the dash working and illuminating that you are in reverse, it seems that the white back up lights don't come on either.
You might have to do a long hold of the power button to turn the car off.
In reply to John Welsh :
Thanks John! Im going to keep these tucked in my back pocket since it started working without intervention this morning. May do the 6.99 fix preemptively since ill have the dash apart again when my non broken parts come in.
Well, happened again tonight.
Tried this video for a quick fix (found it last night)
Worked right off.
The on board diagnostic screen showed battery voltage of 12.1, with no lights ir anything. Think it may be suspect. But i think the fix you linked is my ultimate solution.
12.1 for a fully charged battery is a bad battery.
Yesterday, Amazon alaerted me of a good price on Prius battery at $145
I have not bought that one but $200 is typical. Seems people complain of warranty process. Personally, I once bought a Optima through Amazon. I did warranty claim and Amazon sent another free of charge but I did have to speak to a supervisor.
11.9 this morning, but the dash came on.
Its getting a 12v battery. But as much as i appreciate you looking out for me john, im going local for ease of warranty. Had too many bad experiences with short lived batteries in recent years.
I also ordered the capacitor and will swap out that when i pull the dash back apart.
In reply to Dusterbd13-michael :
K1s look good on anything and everything......even a Prius.
K1s look great.
Now all there is to decide is if your stripes will be 98-style or 99-style.

Step one today was new 12v battery from napa. No pictures.
Step teo was headlight polish. Trying something new because i loked the way it sounded in the reviews. Generally i buy the 3m drill powered kit, followed by an application of rustoleum wipenu. Had great success, and so have many of my friends.
This time i got the cerakote kit.

It really wasn't any less work thwormy normal method, and similar results.

After is more dramatic in person, as the guy running the camera should work for the Enquirer taking pictures of bigfoot and the loch ness monster

I don't think this is a normal expensive car experience.....

Cluster died completely. Which takes out cruise, gear indicator, reverse lights, etc. Not a usable car like that for me.
So i spent lunch and a teleconference ripping it apart. I have the capacitor, but im going to try to find a local to do the soldering as my solder skills blow goats
Board at the local phone repair place.
Local. Ready in the morning.
In albemarle NC.
Thats awesome!!!
I've noticed you haven't yet found any animals living in this car. Any ETA on that?
In reply to TVR Scott :
Well, we evicted a semi large lizard Saturday night does that count?
In reply to Dusterbd13-michael :
How large? Did it require wrestling by two or more family members?
Would a biologist call it an alligator?
In reply to TVR Scott :
From his reaction to a few little lizards trying to hitchhike in a part I'm thinking it was snack size.
Edit - FYI the part stayed at my house. He had a solid nope on lizards in parts.
In reply to Stampie :
This one was almost twice as big as he was when he jumped out of the parts. Im reasonably certain its the same one that ran under the seat that we couldn't catch.
But, wildlife in a drivabeater thread has been accomplished!
Sorry to hear you had to do the dashboard tear down.
Smart move seeking pro help on the soldering. I had to do my teardown twice due to my amateur job of soldering. It was genius to think of a cell phone repair place for help.
On ebay, I also found places I could ship out my unit to and they would send it back soldered.
As a side note. If you bring the push button start and the push button for Park, the car is 100% drivable in its dismantled state. Sure, the passenger airbag is missing making it likely that non of the airbags work. The AC will run you just wont have ability to direct the air vents. You know, some inconveniences like that but it will go down the road just fine.