Wow guys, thanks so much for all the support. It means a lot coming from the talented folks that frequent GRM.
Gearheadotaku wrote:
Truly awesome work. Also shows the pride in 'building' a car rather than just 'buying' one.
That's one of many reasons I ditched the Elise. All I could say about it is that I had good credit and paid the payments. With the X I have so much more involved. Sometimes it drives you nuts, but at the core it's really fulfilling. I know folks here know exactly what I'm talking about.
So, after I got the car home I starting looking it over closely. The paint wasn't perfect, but the car had definitely been taken to the next level. The main thing that was letting it down now was the engine compartment. It was still the original yellow and generally looked tired and dingy.

Soon it looked like this:

I thought I could just sand and paint the bay with the engine in place, but the more parts I removed the more I could see to do the job right I was going to need to pull the drivetrain. There were a lot of things that needed freshening. So, a trip to harbor freight produced an engine hoist:

Of course to pull the axles I had to disassemble the rear suspension. It's struts so pull a few bolts and the whole thing comes apart. And all that was rusty, nasty and im need of attention, so I guess I'm into redoing the really started to snowball.
I started prepping the bay for paint. In the process I pulled out the trunk floor and found this, MORE RUST!

Well, as you know there is only one way to fix that correctly. Out with the cutoff wheel.

The X1/9 has a "double" trunk floor. Between the two was what looked like insulation you'd find in the wall of your house. Perfect for holding moisture. Yecchh.

I couldn't find a new or repro panel for the trunk floor. So I had this one made up from 20GA:

Annnddd hopefully that is finally the last of the rust repairs.

Next up, engine bay and trunk prep and paint. Then suspension teardown, engine and trans inspection.