so, this car has sat in the garage, more-or-less, unloved for 5 and a half months. OneLap, HomeRenovations, a cold garage, and general LifeStuff put working on it out of mind all that time... even though I looked at it every weekday in that time to get the kids to school.
today was a bit of a nice day, and I'd spent a couple days watching a bunch of friends have fun at GridLife's MidWestFest... so I got motivated to do something on the car today...
so, I picked at the trunk some, in a beginning effort to clean it... and just do something on it, today

CRC even came in handy getting the jack out:

then I spent some time taking off the door card in preparation of replacing a non-working lock cylinder.

in the process of futzing around getting the door card off, I had to lift the hood up... and before I knew it, the bumper was off...

Helped in part by the fact that it was only held on by friction, one bolt, and one clip... with evidence of a ziptie having failed at additional fastening somewhere over time.
I still need to finish peeling the tint off the back window, and cleaning up the film's adhesive residue. I'm thinking about pulling more of the interior out to do a thorough cleaning, because the inside still smells funky.
A really stupid part of me wants to 'blow the thing apart'... find a cheap K24a4, an Si 6spd, and "Kswap it". But, I realize that: down that path lies a project that might accidentally never leave the garage for 15-20years.
Sleepykid#1 hung out for part of that time, and we talked about the potential need to sell off my TL. So much to do, so many projects, so little time.