2/16/13 6:33 a.m.
Nice to see someone still rocking the 4kq. I'm a firm believer that they were the first, best, and last good Audi ever made.
Wish I had cared less about sticking to a stupid SCCA rule book and wasting 3 grand building a n/a engine when I should have done what you did. Still wound up with a car that took me 12 years to get tired of.

Keep up the good work and tell Garza I said his car is all show and no go. 
New Reader
2/16/13 9:53 a.m.
Thanks man! beautifull coupe by the way... I want some euro cibie's sooo bad. . . just dont think they are challenge budget friendly.
I was never in the SCCA but I feel the same way about my NA 280. . . love the exhaust note. . . love the car. . but for the money i could have doubled the power.
I just always felt like the 4000 should have had the 10vt all along, one of those projects thats been brewing in my head for a number of years, now i`m making it happen for pennys on the dollar and loving every second 
I can look around here in Germany and see about finding a set of those headlights. Should be pretty cheap when it's coming stateside in checked baggage...
2/17/13 5:43 a.m.
There is no substitute for those lights. The H4 conversion they have with the amber corner lights that is a bolt in is a marginal improvement. The H1/H4's are a totally different ball game; they light up the night as they should but do require some creative re-wiring (I also used the 'city lights' for park lamps; my guy passed them for inspection but the subsequent owner had to apply some hideous stick-on amber lights to be legal). I got mine from Germany via ebay.de. One of the lenses broke on the way over but you can buy (or, could) replacements.
Yeah, you can still get the glass lens replacements over here.
New Reader
2/17/13 10:10 a.m.
I seem to find the lenses more often than the whole unit on the over seas ebay sites. . . not like I have looked in awhile. I feel like they hover around 200 for a good set minus bulbs. My friend Keela (from the sand dune pics on page 1) found a set for 120 and she had to re-plate one side. . . . I guess thats why I have considered them out of reach under the challenge budget. . . however, If i were paying mostly for shipping that suddenly makes them quite affordable
alright sobe. . . how many jiggawatts for some cibies?
also. . .i thought you were in atlanta? 
Well, the forum says I'm in Atlanta, but I live in Frankfurt. Hopefully soon to be Stuttgart 
I'm flying back over around St. Patricks day, so I can see what I can find.
Also, the term for headlights on ebay.de to search for is "Scheinwerfer" . The sets of Cibies that I saw on Ebay are going for over 300 euro per set, but if you find them cheaper, Just let me know and you can send them to my address here.
New Reader
2/18/13 6:56 p.m.
thanks for the info on that. i'll deffinetly keep my eyes open for sure. they really modernize the look of the whole car, not to mention the performance gains david already mentioned. . . biggest hurdle on those is the budget since everything left (and then some) is already spoken for on the turbo motor. . . but I did get a box of intercooler piping & couplers today and a couple weeks ago I finally picked up a downpipe. . . all for the cost of some other parts I had taking up space. . . its coming together slowly. the shave job on the intake manifold is going very well, I mocked up the throttle linkage and it turns out i don't even need the plate on the back of the plenum so I can take alot more than I expected off the back. got a fair amount of work ahead of me but I think it will be worth the time invested. taking the time to sneak up on it is what it's all about here

New Reader
2/25/13 9:56 a.m.
New Reader
2/26/13 2:28 p.m.
ddavidv wrote:
Nice to see someone still rocking the 4kq. I'm a firm believer that they were the first, best, and last good Audi ever made.
Wish I had cared less about sticking to a stupid SCCA rule book and wasting 3 grand building a n/a engine when I should have done what you did. Still wound up with a car that took me 12 years to get tired of.
Keep up the good work and tell Garza I said his car is all show and no go.
Man!!!! The Dwightster is ALWAYS hating on my rides (plural)!!!
He's just jealous because he could never get his car to turn in a corner......
I unlocked all the handling secrets from the Audi gods and constantly spank BMW's on the track!!

New Reader
2/27/13 3:59 p.m.
man that coupe looks familiar. . . ever take it to carlisle? not like I have been but maybe I saw a picture of it there
either way, sweet ride. . . I have a hunch it's not very slow 
I feel like one or both of those coupes have been in the Magazine...
The picture of the car buried in snow looks amazing. I've only been in snow like that a few times in my life so those kinds of shots catch me so off guard.
2/28/13 9:24 a.m.
This thread delivers.
Pics and stories are great reminders of the life that I wish I could live. Keep it coming.
New Reader
2/28/13 1:36 p.m.
Swank Force One wrote:
I feel like one or both of those coupes have been in the Magazine...
My coupe was in Grassroots waaaaaaaaaaaay back in Oct. 2006:

Allot has changed since then, much to Dwight's chagrin!!!!!
I think they need to do an update!!!!!
type85 wrote:
Swank Force One wrote:
I feel like one or both of those coupes have been in the Magazine...
My coupe was in Grassroots waaaaaaaaaaaay back in Oct. 2006:
Allot has changed since then, much to Dwight's chagrin!!!!!
I think they need to do an update!!!!!
Heh i thought so... i remember that issue. I have it around here somewhere. 
New Reader
2/28/13 2:57 p.m.
ah yes now i see the resemblence. famous coupe GT in the building! err. . thread. anyway, not exactly challenge content but quite the teaser of the day none the less. . . .

New Reader
3/4/13 4:01 p.m.
. . . . . so euro it hurts
Man those wheels really set that thing off!!!
Damn that thing looks great.
dansxr2 wrote:
Man those wheels really set that thing off!!!
SWEET! The perfect wheels for nice weather.
New Reader
3/5/13 10:48 p.m.
2K4Kcsq wrote:
. . . . . so euro it hurts
I assume those are 4x108??
Looks like you might have some rubbing issues... what size, offset and BRAND???
I run 15x8 949 Miata wheels on the coupe.
I'm looking at 16x8 "fifteen52's" for the 4000q racecar:
It's hard to find ANYTHING in 4x108

New Reader
3/5/13 11:39 p.m.
type85 wrote:
I assume those are 4x108??
Looks like you might have some rubbing issues... what size, offset and BRAND???
I run 15x8 949 Miata wheels on the coupe.
I'm looking at 16x8 "fifteen52's" for the 4000q racecar:
It's hard to find ANYTHING in 4x108
man. . . . I had my heart set on 1552 3pc snowflakes till I got a quote on them. . . then my messages asking if I could get the one piece machined for 108 if I paid extra were basicly blown off. . . told to "just run a 100 adapter" then ignored. . no thanks, been down that road. Besides, the one piece is never in stock in the states anyway. My searches for 4x108 wheels lead me to the ESM's. I could have saved money on staggered sets from ebay but to me a quattro should not be staggered. . . then again, neither should a fwd but thats just me
So I went to the ESM website and ordered the 004 in 17x9 +25 4x108. Tires are yokohama s drive 225-35
I do have some rubbing issues without a doubt. I thought they were going to be alot worse when I ordered them to be honest, but I'm happy with how well the do fit and I'm going to see what I can get away with, rolling and pulling . . . I originaly planned on using mk1 steel flares so I just might still go that route depending.

no issues at all on the backside
just got flares to deal with
almost done with the widowmaker fender roller conversion. . . . updates on that coming soon 
Ok, I will be the joykill. This ONLY works with some sort of proper flare so you can be sure there is no body contact and have tires that actually fit the wheels. Otherwise just looks bad on an otherwise nice car. I am done. Don't hate me. Sorry.

New Reader
3/6/13 10:35 a.m.
I agree. . . although i dont think a 225 is improper for a 9. . . but as posted above, mk1 steel flares are an option and would probly be more than I need. I love how a challenging project pic makes people assume everything will get f-ed up. lol. I guess thats because there are alot of no talent ass clowns making a mess out of otherwise cool cars . . what can ya do but steam forward with your vision?
btw, i dont hate you, just couldn't resist