If that was my car, I'd Sawzall the bottom third or so of the bumper support out. It looks like the bottom of it may be hurting flow to the top half of the radiator, so most of the air has to go through the intercooler. That's good for the intercooler, but not so good for getting BTUs out of the coolant.
I forget. Before you put the engine in the car did you convert it to FWD-style coolant flow?
An aside, my car was running hot on the street. Put the new suspension on and it was running much hotter, like 210 degrees just driving down the highway. With the car on the lift, I could see that air would preferentially go through the wheelwells and not the coolers. Put the under-fascia back on and it's back to running 160f on the highway.
Well, when I took it off, it was October and it was cold...
If this ducting doesn't get things in line I am going to cut a vent in the bumper like so:

I did not do the coolant reroute when I swapped the engine. I was reading somewhere that the newer (00+ or so) engines had a revised headgasket design that had better coolant flow but I don't know if that is accurate or not.
Here is a thread about the revised headgasket:
I wonder what this could be used for...

I probably wouldn't bother with a coolant re-route on an MSM motor. General consensus seems to be that it's dumb. If you DO do it, you have to swap to a different headgasket as well... and.. well... blah.
That's the plan. I just have to decide if I want to put the arrow facing the ground or the engine. 
EvanB wrote:
That's the plan. I just have to decide if I want to put the arrow facing the ground or the engine.
I vote painted side down. Then the scraped off paint can tell you where you are hitting stuff.
That sounds like a good reason to me.
eastsidemav wrote:
EvanB wrote:
That's the plan. I just have to decide if I want to put the arrow facing the ground or the engine.
I vote painted side down. Then the scraped off paint can tell you where you are hitting stuff.
Yeah I have a curvy road sign for mine, it has saved my fancy radiator and oil cooler many times. I'll show you the dents at the July event lol.
28 miles of racing and about 5/8 of a tank of gas used at the event today between myself and Chris.
The larger injectors didn't seem to fix the cutting out but it also didn't seem as bad.
The radiator ducting worked great until the tape holding it to the radiator came loose and it created a large gap.
Did the final results end up as indicated by Pete?
You were about 3 seconds up after all the cones were added.
Up? Congress?
Did I win or not? 
I would say the cut out issue was significantly improved given how much full throttle we/I was using. And the sealed ducting vs. non sealed ducting was a night and day difference for everyone taking notes.
I'll get you next time, Gadget!
I wonder if this is where I should point out that I was only getting 3/4 throttle...
The event today was a bit muddy.

Video of Chris starting, bonus footage of another car spinning through the finish in the background.