So I had bought a 97 BMW 328i for $250. Was able to give it a clean, find out exactly what was wrong with it (primary O2 sensor, auto trans destroyed from never having fluid changed), and listed it on the good ole' Craigslist for $800. Ended up selling at $650, and funding a major part of finding a good project car. After selling the wheels and tires off my tC2.5 (that were a little to narrow and not enough side wall) funding the rest.
A quick browse around craigslist brings up a 5spd 94 Integra GSR. And knowing how good of a FWD car it is when it's in show room shape, I went to look at it. Listed at $1800, purchased at $1400 after a test drive.
It has a long list of things that need fixed, updated, and upgraded, but the major concerns are dry rotted tires, upper engine mount, and oil burn. There is also a water leak somewhere in the car I need to address. I figured probably from the sunroof, but not 100% sure yet.
So here it is, right after we drove it home:
And then we found this cleaning it out:
This is the 2nd used car I bought that still had the original window sticker. We were comparing it to my friends 06 tC with standard features. The only difference we had was CD player vs Tape deck. Oh and the GSR cost more in 94 that his tC did in 2006.
Now with the aforementioned water leak somewhere, the carpet, and bottom of the rear seat were soaked. Got the water logged carpets and rear seat out, as well as the lake in the spare tire area.
Race car look:
Once we got the front seats back in, my buddy Nathan headed out, and I put all the good interior pieces up in the attack. Grabbed the keys and took it out for some fuel for me and it.
So I now own a GSR. Time to start shopping! (yes I know it's 2015 challenge friendly, but sadly making it to Florida isn't possible with having no vacation time left, and it being in Florida. So with that being said screw the 2015 budget, lets get building!
Plans: Refresh entire suspension. New coilovers, control arms, ball joints, tie rods, bushings, the works. Rear strut brace (4pt). 4/6 point roll cage. better sway bars. Near race compound tires as this will be a backroad machine. Some slight aero updates. And hopefully a refreshed GSR b18c build. (to OEM spec with mild cam and intake manifold)
Or something else, who knows, I change my mind a lot. Oh and it baddly needs rust repair in the normal Honda spots.