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wawazat HalfDork
9/4/19 3:32 p.m.

I love following along with your events!

Jerry UberDork
9/8/19 4:46 p.m.

In reply to wawazat :

Thanks!  I was hoping someone was still watching this channel...

This was a busy weekend.  Saturday was the Cincy Pops Orchestra performing The Empire Strikes Back! along with the movie on a giant screen.  We had members trooping all 3 days, I did Saturday and bought tix for me & SWMBO to watch the performance after our troop.

Plenty of kids and adults alike, this guy needed a photo for sure.  We had a huge line form out on the sidewalk & probably stood there about an hour and a half to try to get everyone in.  Two other characters were inside somewhere, and we had a handler for each group.  SWMBO was our handler and took photos.

We saw a wedding party coming down Elm St to go to the park across the street.  I was waving like mad to get them to come over.  Finally after they did their photos a few of the party came over, I said I wanted the bouquet.  SWMBO missed the photo with the bride & groom, hope they send me a copy (gave the photographer a trading card with name) of the photo looking like I'm stealing the bride away.

Today was another early day after that one, a troop for a Walk to Defeat ALS in Fairborn.  About 2hrs, managed to do the stormtrooper again (vs the scanning crew).  I have troops pretty much every weekend day this month, and two on at least one day (walk in the am, car show/school band event in the pm).  I have no complaints.

Jerry UberDork
9/15/19 8:44 p.m.

Another busy weekend.  Two walks in two days...  Alzheimer's on Saturday, ALS on Sunday (both in Cincinnati).  The Alzeimer's walk on Saturday was a little cooler, I did the entire walk in costume and boots with some other members.  Sunday was a bit warmer (& I hadn't eaten yet) so I did not walk but still walked around the event for a few hours beforehand.

I said we were Disney princesses now so we needed a photo with the ladies.

The kids love us.

Next weekend is the big one.  Cincinnati Comic Expo.  There's like 60-80 people signed up for each of the 3 days, I'll be there Saturday and Sunday with SWMBO.  If you're free come say hi and get a photo.  Saturday is also my 1yr anniversary in the 501st!

Jerry UberDork
9/24/19 6:31 p.m.

This past weekend was the big event, Cincinnati Comic Expo.  Me & SWMBO went all day Saturday and Sunday, stayed at the Milennium Hotel overnight to save the drive back n forth.

Saturday was the Imperial march through the venue, I suited up in time for that around 1130am & hung around the displays until it was time.  I'm the first stormtrooper behind Boba Fett.  Vader had the theme song in his chest box so it was perfect.  SWMBO got the photo from above.

Then I did Blast a Trooper for charity (shoot me w/ a Nerf gun for $1).  That was 2 hours, with what I thought would be an hour or so rest inbetween, but John Morton (Dak from Empire!) wanted a group photo because he loves what we do, so we had to wait for his manager to get him over to us.

(I'm between Vader and Phasma).  BTW that Phasma is 3D printed by her husband, and with the helmet off she looks just like the actress!  Just as tall as well.

After the 2hr shift I finally suited down (~4.5hrs) and made a quick break to the hotel to check in, then came back for an hour of table duty.  An hour later it was time for dinner, and ~50-60 of us braved downtown traffic to go to Hofbrahaus in Newport, during Oktoberfest.  Oof.  But the band played the cantina theme song for us, and got many tips for the favor.

Sunday was much more laid back, but the highlight was my 72yr old mom came to visit and see me in costume for the first time.  That was awesome, plenty of photos from SWMBO, she tried on the helmet, and got photos with my friends.  My favorite part of the weekend!

(I'm the one holding his hand up.)  heart

Jerry UberDork
9/30/19 9:46 p.m.

This past weekend was a busy Saturday.  8am start to the Miami Valley Down Syndrome Awareness Buddy Walk at 5/3 Field in downtown Dayton.  This might be my new favorite troop.  We spent a good 4 hours with the crowd, both outside mingling before it opened, inside on the field waiting for the actual walk, then lined up on either side of the finish after they walked the perimeter of the field.

Made a lot of new friends and realized why people said they looked forward to this one every year.  Plenty of attendees thanked us for being there during the walk, but that was a great time.  I'll be back next year.

Then lunch, then a few hrs break before a troop at Centerville HS for their band and a car show.  It wasn't as big a show as they had hoped, I think Dayton's Oktoberfest and the 90F conspired against them.  Still had fun, still entertained the kids and a few parents.  Stopped at one of the few remaining Steak n Shake's for a burger and milkshake with a few friends, finally home around 9pm.  Sunday was drop off some wedding photos from a few weeks ago and couch time.

Jerry UberDork
10/6/19 10:11 a.m.

Today is the one year anniverasry of my first troop, the Alzheimer's Walk in Cincinnati at Sawyer Point.  I did that one again yesterday, which coincidentally was my 40th official troop.

Smaller group of characters this year, I think there were a few conflicting events.  The weather was MUCH better, started around 50F into the 60s by the end (vs 87F last year).  This year SWMBO was able to attend and take photos/be a handler, combined with knowing what to expect made it more fun.

Our group photo on the way out (minus one Shadowguard trooper in black that left early).  I'm leaning on the tree.

Spent a few hours hanging around the festivities, playing with the kids (and adults).

Once again, the ladies can't resist a man in uniform.  I'm looking forward to the next year of trooping!

Jerry UberDork
10/14/19 2:51 p.m.

Yesterday was a busy day, again.  The morning was the Cincinnati Toy & Collectible show, very Star Wars heavy and I am amazed I only spent about $25.  At least two vendors had old Kenner prototype stuff and memorabilia.

Left a little early around noon, after we changed clothes and did a little shopping of course.  Lunch nearby, then drive home to Dayton for 1.5hr break before the next event.

The Ronald McDonald house in Dayton offered us a last-minute invite for a Halloween event they were having for visiting families.  We've been interested in getting in there for visits like the hospital, so even with 5 day notice 7 of us jumped on it.  I've never been inside the place but found out one of our Rey characters had a stay there with her child a few years ago, so even better!

The kids were fun, we also had a Batman and Spiderman, and a few Disney princesses were also there.  There was one little girl that was so happy to see us all, even the helmeted "bad guys" that she kept running up to us saying "HI!" all through the event.  I'm hoping we get to go back in the future, the admins emailed us after and said they loved having us and look forward to more events.

Rodan Dork
10/14/19 4:01 p.m.

Awesome stuff!  yes

Love the ice cream mixer guy... cheeky  My wife cracked up when I first told her about that little gem.

Jerry UberDork
10/15/19 12:16 p.m.

In reply to Rodan :

I barely remember the character, but like the EU the longer I'm a member the more I learn.  Willrow Hood has developed into a minor legend in the 501st/Rebel Legion.  He has his own CRL (costume reference library), people buy the ice cream makers and dismantle them for props, there was a Running of the Willrow Hoods!" at Celebration where like 30 of them ran through the convention.

The CRL does say you have to have a mustache.  Larger the better.

Jerry UberDork
10/29/19 6:30 p.m.

Last weekend was another 2 troop weekend.  Saturday was the Ghostly Night Out in Brookville, supposed to be at a park but the rain moved it inside the high school.  (Yes, THE high school.)  It was also hit hard with the tornadoes on Memorial Day so we really wanted to make this one good.

Nick's zombie trooper was pretty damn cool.  Cut-away helmet showed the latex mask and had latex hands under his gloves.  Watching him try to eat a bag of Skittles was hilarious, he resembled a real zombie trying to eat something...  I took my $8 toy blaster from eBay that lights up & makes sounds so I could hand it to a kid for photos and not worry about dropping my $200 handmade E-11.

Sunday was a trunk or treat down in Cincinnati at a church.  Only an hour, probably in costume 1.5hrs, but had some fun with the kids.

They offered us free food from a food truck, I made sure we stood in line in costume to order and took it back inside with us.  I'm easily amused.

This Friday is a big one, Wright Patterson AFB museum in Dayton has a night event and about 35 of us are signed up.  Free to the public if anyone's interested.


Jerry UberDork
11/3/19 1:36 p.m.

Friday night was a long night...  "A Night at the Museum" at the AF museum in Dayton, which saw well over 10k people shuffle through.

The group shot just before the doors opened at 6pm.  We had parked in the back staff/participant lot and had to haul our bins all the way around the place to go through security, then all the way back to hangar 4 where our dressing room was.  A staff member that is former 501st said it measures ~6000 steps.  I believe it.

I went out and stayed with Vader near the entrance to the hangar, along with a few others people.  A line qeued up immediately and we stayed there almost 2 hours...  We finally had another handler stop the line so we could grab a quick bite to eat and a drink.  Maybe 15 minutes later we went to a different spot to the side, and ended up there the remainder until about 930pm.  Luckily they coordinated the fire alarm so we could all leave at once through the back door.

By the end of the event my back was killing me.  I had one piece of cold pizza and a bag of chips in ~9hrs, plus a few waters.  But the kids (and adults) loved us.  I hope they do this again, I heard staff say it was close to 20k people.  (A friend waited in line 45 minutes just to get into the door.)  I never got farther than 100' from the dressing room!

Aaron_King GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
11/3/19 3:03 p.m.

I really wanted to go to that but I ended going to Minnesota to drive new to me car home. 


Jerry UberDork
11/4/19 8:37 a.m.

In reply to Aaron_King :

With the success we hope they do it again.

Jerry UberDork
11/14/19 6:53 p.m.

A little maintenance on the costume a few nights ago.  When I first made the belt, I mistakenly punched 4 holes for the holster, instead of 2.  Thinking the top two would give better stability, and it was a requirement for the "hero" version of the stormtrooper (think Luke and Han) vs the "stunt" version (every other guy in the movie).  I didn't realize what else went into Hero, including bubble lenses in the helmet that I read horror stories about disorientation and dizziness.  No thanks.  So I left the extra Chicago screws and covered with good old duct tape.

Someone suggested iron on fabric like for tears in clothing.  So while I was at it I ground down the two screw posts to make it all fit closer, removed the extra two screws, and covered the holes with iron on fabric.

Much better than shiny duct tape.  Although probably no one else would notice except me, SWMBO and maybe a few 501st members...

This weekend I have two troops on Saturday.  Boonshoft Museum has Dayton Science Festival in the morning/afternoon, and then Austin Landing (Dayton) parade and tree lighting ceremony.  That one sounds huge, skydiving Santa and everything.  Hoping I don't freeze before I reach the first marker.

Jerry UberDork
11/17/19 4:42 p.m.

Saturday was another lonnnggg day...  Started with the Dayton Science Festival at Boonshoft Museum.  I got there around 9am and stayed till 130pm, so I could have a few hrs to take care of Chewie and rest a bit before the evening troop.

I was very good and did not distract the nice volunteer being interviewed by channel 7.  But I really wanted to.  Really.

And those pesky low overheads get us every time.  I remember seeing this in a movie once.

After I took care of the dog, it was time to go to the Austin Landing parade and tree lighting ceremony.  Sky diving Santa, all kinds of stuff.  And it was COLD.  I wore both undersuits and a long underwear shirt (which I discovered made wearing the armour interesting, it looked like I never skipped "arm day").  Still was shivering by the end of the evening.

Hurry up and wait for the name of the game.  Luckily most of the waiting was inside a building, till it was time for us to walk.  We ended up behind a Jeep club that the last Jeep was a Star Wars motif so that worked out.  He was carrying an R2 I didn't see until later, and it's an authentic build from the R2 Builders Club.

Yes, that's a real mother berkeleying C3PO fully 3D printed and functional, he gets bolted into the thing by a handler.  This is the photo op after the parade and they did not plan it well.  I'm behind Tim in the 3PO to keep people from coming up behind him.  As you can guess, this was a popular spot.  We also had a Darth Vader, by now he had moved over to allow more photo groups at once.

I love this photo and did not even remember it being taken.  I'm the stormtrooper to the left with a Santa hat.  I think I turned around to see what everyone was looking at.  Did I mention it was COLD?  We stayed a few hours and then a bunch of us went to a building where some Gold Star family members were gathered (military family members affected by deaths in combat & such).  Quite a few kids...  I was glad we made that stop, heard afterwards the parents were very grateful we came by.

I have another outdoor parade the end of the month in downtown Dayton, think I'm going to see if I can fit Hot Hands packs inside my gloves!

Jerry UberDork
11/22/19 6:58 a.m.

Quick troop last night to Dayton Children's Hospital...  My 4th one in about a year.  Always one I look forward to, sometimes I think the staff enjoys us as much as the kids.

Me & Nick (camo guy) were the only veterans, the other 4 were all first-timers.  This time they took us down to the ER area through the main lobby after the usually 2-3 floors, that was fun!  Vader disappeared near the end, we lost him!  Turned out an EMT asked for a photo and lead him out to his ambulance.  Otherwise it went off without  hitch.

Jerry UberDork
11/24/19 12:31 p.m.

Last night was The Music of Star Wars discussion at University of Dayton.  Free to the public, probably 100 people or so showed up.  About 15 of us greeted them at the door, and then we led the director to the stage in binders...  I'm wondering if anyone got a photo of me trying to make it down 8-9 steps without killing myself.

Our dressing area was a narrow hallway leading to an actual dressing room that was built for one.  Yeah, that was fun.  But we made it work.  The best part of the evening was these two drunken college kids that stumbled into the hall without any clue what was going on.  Woooah!  Dude, what is going onnnn?  Holy E36 M3 it's Darth Vader.  Duuude you guys look AWWESOME!

Jerry UberDork
11/25/19 7:00 a.m.
Jerry said:

 I'm wondering if anyone got a photo of me trying to make it down 8-9 steps without killing myself.

They did.

Jerry UberDork
12/3/19 7:05 p.m.

This past holiday weekend was a two-troop weekend.  Friday night was my second time at the Dayton Children's Holiday parade, and pretty much just as cold.  This time I was ready with two undersuits, which helped slightly, and some "Hot Hands" I shoved inside the gloves.  The 2-3hr wait at the start is still the brutal part.

Once again we were still near the end, unit 50, and after getting there at 6pm to change in a parking garage (another bonus of doing this once, didn't have to change on the street) we were lined up and ready, but didn't get going till probably 830pm.

One lens fogged up fairly early into the parade, so I was mostly looking through the right side.  Then halfway into it that side fogged up!  I had to stop high-fiving kids on the edge and go to the center of the street, and just follow the guy in front of me.  Luckily we stopped for a moment and the lens cleared up a little, so I could go back to the kids.

Sunday afternoon was a party at a local church, and about 8-10 of us showed up for that one.  They did a great job on decorations, and we wandered the halls and hung out near the entrance for photos.

Someone inside one of the rooms managed to photograph the exact moment I blew this kid's mind as we surprised the crowd.  Not a bad weekend...

This weekend is our 501st Legion/Rebel Legion Xmas party in Columbus.  Still deciding what to wear, and looking forward to the swag.  Sunday is a Xmas party at our event coordinator's Army Reserve Unit up in Troy.  That should be a fun one.

Recon1342 Reader
12/3/19 9:35 p.m.

Glad to see you still having a blast, Jerry!

Jerry UberDork
12/4/19 10:25 a.m.

In reply to Recon1342 :

Friday's parade was my 50th "official" 501st Legion troop.  Considering most of them have been in 2019 and nothing in January, that's almost one a week.  I must be enjoying them. cool

Jerry UberDork
12/9/19 7:01 a.m.

Yesterday was a holiday social for our event coordinator's Army Reserve unit, the 304th Engineer Company in Lima OH.

I think 8 of us signed up for it, especially being a military thing and at least half of us are former military...  We walked around the halls and hung out in the big room they had the food in, plus the Big Guy showed up.  (The Grinch... yeah that Santa guy as well.)

We played with the kids and got photos with the big kids (Army 20 and 30somethings), it was good time.

They let us go outside and play with the toys a little.  I joked that I didn't really take out the Tusken Raider, he obviously tripped on bantha poop and I took the credit.  Ron, in the driver seat, is former armoured calvary and long retired, he was having a blast.

At the end they had a closing ceremony and called us up to the front to thank us.  They had a card they had passed around and everyone signed it thanking us for being there.  Like I said, most of us are former military so we were happy to be there.  But it was a nice touch.  (They even had a reenlistment and a few of us participated.)

Jerry UberDork
12/15/19 5:42 p.m.

Tuesday night I signed up for a short library troop in Dayton after work.  Left an hour early and decided to just go with the scanning crew costume for a quick change when I got there.

I also got to be a "handler" for awhile.  Very under rated gig that keeps us helmeted/masked people from falling over children we can't see & helps keep the small children from abusing the costumes and grabbing, etc...  This was a neat little event to promote the new movie and local kids something to do after school (SWMBO said it was a bit of a low income area and might be the best thing kids have going for them).

Last night (and Friday) was Star Wars night at the local Cincinnati Cyclones hockey game.  I did this one last year, maybe 4th troop, and insanely crowded and hectic.  SWMBO tried to be a handler but with nothing really official to wear she kinda got lost in the crowd at times.  Plus they put us at the main entrance with Vader, we didn't move for 2.5-3hrs.

This year she had her new "racing shirt" supporting breast cancer research and even had it monogrammed "HANDLER".  Plus a name badge on a lanyard I made her shortly after last year.  They also split us up into two groups, this year we took the secondary entrance.

Group photo before the gates opened.  I'm the stormtrooper next to the orange pilot.  SWMBO in her stylish shirt on the left.

A few friends showed up and I got some photos with them.  The pilot I'm next to had a camera built into his chest box, and a remote on his wrist.  He recorded me dancing to the music before the game and said he couldn't wait to post it.  I said bring it, I want to see it too.

Near the end we wandered off to the other group to see what else was going on.  I saw this kid put the front and back pieces together of his helmet and I said I NEED a photo with mini me!

Next up is this weekend for the big movie premiere.  I'm seeing it Friday night with SWMBO and trooping Cinepolis in Miamisburg Saturday eve and Sunday afternoon.  Come out if you're in the area!

Jerry UberDork
12/23/19 6:56 a.m.

Yeah, we were busy this weekend...  We had members all over Ohio Thursday-Sunday for movie events, I did half-days Saturday and Sunday at Cinepolis in Miamisburg.

That is our real C3PO, he decided to come Saturday evening last minute and brought his fellow droids.  R2 is full sized and working, I got to drive him for 30-45 minutes while he suited up with his handler (he basically gets bolted into that thing).  Then I changed into the stormtrooper.

Sunday afternoon we had a different crew (we were able to pick 2 of 4 days for this venue).  Dan came out in his Bith costume for a bit first, but I knew it wouldn't last.  45 minutes and he was drenched in sweat.  Made for some fun photos at least.  Then he came back out in a Mandalorian (his son is 18 and autistic, and they both have Mando costumes).

I saw the movie myself on Friday with SWMBO.  I'll be seeing it again this holiday season while I'm off, as usual.  Every movie makes me feel 10 years old again...


While you're hear, enjoy my amazing dance moves to my ring tone.  Courtesy of Tim's R2 unit.

GhiaMonster Reader
12/23/19 7:35 a.m.

Glad to see updates.  I was maybe 10 minutes into the movie this weekend when I though of your exploits from building the costume to all the awesome events you do.  I hadn't caught a post in a few months and was hoping you were still going strong. The hospital events are the best thing to me. 

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