While there were a few other things wanted to get done to the Miata before I left (particularly sway bars) I ran out of time/money. So, July 21st, right after work, I got in and put the hammer down. About 2 hours in my cruise control called it quits (something with the switch I think. Haven't really looked into it), which was irritating. But, I made good time and stopped at Mannsfield, Ohio for the night, which is about the halfway point. Got up early the next morning, put the top down and kept the pedal down and arrived in Nashville at 2:30ish. While waiting for traffic to get a move-on at the I65-to-I24/I40 interchange, it starts absolutely pouring rain. Now, my Miata is not exactly as waterproof as Mazda intended it to be originally, so this is a slight problem. Finally get to Murfreesboro and its still pouring, my passenger side seat is soaked and there are huge ponds in the road. Hit one of those and the Check Engine Light comes on. Oh E36 M3. Thankfully didn't hydrolock and 5 miles down the road, the light goes back off. That's all I needed was to be 940 miles from home and junk the engine. Get to my friend's house and we send the night playing Forza Horizons 2 and Goat Simulator.
The next day was spent getting supplies for our trip to Deal's Gap, dodging more rain showers (His car has some water-proofing issues as well, despite only 40K miles on it) and playing more Forza Horizon 2. That evening was spent drinking at a killer bar in Murfreesboro, The Big Bang. Highly recommend it to anyone in the area. We also did the logistics and realized there was no way we could arrive at Deal's Gap to join the group for the drive to Tellico Plains without leaving at like 5am. So we ran the numbers and decided that if we left at 7:30am, we could take the scenic back route and arrive in time to meet everyone at Tellico Grains Bakery.
Got up the next morning, loaded up the 2 Miatas, ran over and picked up our friend Becca who was riding shotgun with Chris and then hit the road. Things were gray when we left and I was hoping that the whole weekend wasn't going to be a washout.
The Brothers meet again. He added a Hard Dog roll bar to his and plastidipped the daisy wheels white, but other than that and his FM brake kit from last year, it's all stock.

I forgot what the name of the area was where this out look was, but the view was insane

Arrived in Tellico just in time to grab lunch with the group. The food was excellent, although the venue was a little bit too small and the employees seemed a little bit irritated by the amount of people suddenly mobbing them.
Then it was back to Blind River Falls. A real nice view. Excellent drive, although I was itching to stretch the Miata's legs and not everyone was up to the pace.

We departed the group a bit early to head back over the Skypass and get back to our hotel in time to check into our room and drop off our gear before the dinner run to Franklin, NC.
Becca got a nice shot of my car in the chase position as we raced back along the falls road.

We checked in, unloaded the cars, fueled up and then joined a small group headed to Franklin that had a decent pace. After dinner at Fat Buddies BBQ, which was excellent, we joined another small group led by a guy in a white Miata with the license plate LITESABR (He also had a Chewie for 2016 shirt), who set a ripping pace back to Fontana. At the dam, everyone decided to head to the dam but I decided to make a solo trip up to the Dragon at night.
A third of the Miatas at Fat Buddies

Let me say that driving the Dragon at 10PM is an absolutely amazing experience. Very challenging and very exhilarating. But also dangerous. An NB that I let by me at the motorcycle resort ended up going off the road on my way up and I ended up helping him get back on the road. Car was pretty much okay, just a few dents and scratches. On the way back down, I saw another car getting pulled back up the bank by a wrecker. That was a bit sobering and I cut things back to 6/10ths and headed back to the hotel.