My father-in-law and wae stopped by yesterday after work, with the plan to get the engine in the car. My FIL actually got there before I did, and was finishing up checking the gap on the points and setting timing when I got home. We also hooked up a battery, in order to confirm we picked the right wire to connect to the starter solenoid. Ran into a few issues, as the battery terminals were not easy to read inside the car, so the battery got hooked up in reverse. It probably didn't help that the positive cable is black and the negative cable is red. Once we sorted that out, I installed the starter, since it looked a lot easier to do with the engine out.
After a bit of brainstorming, we used two small jacks to lift the car up, slid the engine under the back through the driver's wheel well, got it onto a jack, and lowered the car back down. wae and my FIL did the heavy work there, while I ran the engine jack. Much thanks to them for that!
After a pizza break, we were back at it, with me running the jack again, and them underneath, positioning the engine, and once we had it in place, bolting it to the transmission:
At this point, the main goal for the day was achieved, but we still had some motivation, so we kept on, to see if we could get the engine running. A short test showed the battery had enough juice to turn the starter, as long as it's not near the top of a compression stroke. wae tackled the wiring, while my FIL dug into the oil - it was overfilled so we figured we'd drain it and toss some fresh oil in. I put the battery back into the project S10, so it could be moved down the driveway, to give the beetle somewhere to go, in case it caught fire.
We ran into a problem with the oil, though. Dropped the plug, and nothing came out. Pulled the strainer cap, and some sludge glopped out:
Copious amounts of carb cleaner helped clean the strainer somewhat, but still didn't get all the sludge out. There's also a layer of it in the bottom of the sump that needs to come out. The current plan is:
1. Get some Kerosene, put about 2 qts in the sump, and leave it there for a few days, then drain it and hope it dissolved the sludge. Repeat if it didn't. I was initially thinking of cranking over the engine to get some kerosene up in the top end in case there is sludge up there, but after sleeping on it, I'm afraid to risk wiping the bearings, and with all the liquid oil that was also in the car, I'm hoping there isn't too much sludge in the top end.
2. Instead of using oil, fill the engine with ATF, and maybe some seafoam for its initial startup attempt. Change it out fairly quickly.
Any suggestions from people with a sludged engine are welcome.
Other than that, I need to get the fuel line hooked up, and at that point, I think it will be ready to try to start. I am going to order a new gasket kit for the oil strainer, and put it in when the oil is changed. I'm also trying to think up anything else I should order just in case.
The charging system will need to be hooked up at some point, too. Right now, we are bypassing the generator, as the car is wired for an alternator. Shouldn't take too much effort to adapt, and I already have a voltage regulator.
It's feeling really close to initial startup, hoping it all comes together in the next few days.