My father in law came by over the weekend, we bled the brakes, and oh boy was the old fluid nasty. He also adjusted the brakes and the parking brake. We couldn't do much else, as we were waiting on parts.
Yesterday, after some parts arrived, I started working on sealing up the engine compartment. I learned the engine seal actually attaches to the body, not the engine tin, and it took a while to clean the remnants of the old dried up one out. This did cause another problem, too, though. Since it secures to the engine body, and the sides of the engine compartment had been cut out, there was nowhere to secure it there. I ended up cutting it down and only used the portion that attaches to the rear apron. Ideally, I'd have reconstructed the bodywork, but the rally is less than two weeks away.
I used some aluminum sheet, and trimmed it to fit either side of the engine.

I then bolted them to the engine tin. There is still some gap around the edges, but I think I can temporarily seal it with some tape. Need to leave some slack, though, as the aluminum is going to move some with the engine. Thinking of using som butyl tape or gorilla tape for now. If I keep the sheet metal around instead of fixing it better, I'm thinking some sort of stick on weatherstripping will be a better solution. Also, the engine compartment seal used on the VW Bus is easier to install , so I may buy one when I fix the bodywork.
By the end of the night, though, it was far harder to see the garage floor from the engine compartment.

I have a replacement carb my FIL ordered, but did not get a chance to install it. Tonight, if the right parts come in today, I'll be trying to get the windows and trim work on the doors finished. It's looking like rain for most of the next week and a half, so we need to be able to seal the car up for more comfortable test driving.
Edit: Oh yeah, installed a new belt, as the old one was developing new cracks every time we drove the car.