So, where does an MR2 Spyder come into the picture?
Well, for starters, I never really paid much attention to the third-gen MR2, but on the very first year I had the blown 1.8L in my Miata (this would be 2018), I loaned it out to a Youtube channel for testing. While there, I met GRMer sesto elemento/Carbon (haven't seen him around here lately) and he took me for a rip around the Lime Rock Park autocross pad in his slightly gutted, turbo 1ZZ MR2 Spyder, literally drifting the entire course with it. Rad. This is the car.
Jump forward a year, and I'm again at Lime Rock Park for this event with my Miata and it shreds the blower/power steering belt. And I had an autocross the next day at Pineview Run Auto & Country Club and no spare belt. So I call up my very good racing friend Mark, who had retired his B/Street Z3 M Roadster (with the S54!) for an E/Street MR2 Spyder, and ask for a co-drive. It still had the stock struts and some heavy Sparcos with BFG Rivals. I proceed to clobber him at that event by over a second and a half in his own cars, having never driven a mid-engine car. Love at first drive. I remember being ecstatic about my finish, which was 16th overall, because it was one of the best I'd had. Ironically, not even that good, but the Spyder wasn't really set up at that point and that venue, which had a lot of elevation change, was not a good E/Street venue.

Jump forward to 2020, and my Miata ended up yanking the charge cable out of the crimp on the ring terminal while driving home from a weekly evening time attack cup at Pineview Run Auto & Country Club, leaving me stranded along the side of the road at 9pm. I again call up my friend Mark, he trailers me home, and then I crimp an new end on the charge cable, only to discover that my alternator was also dead, and no one could get one to me before an autocross that weekend. (For the record, my Miata will do about 10 laps of Pineview and drive about 15 miles with no charging system before it starts doing weird stuff and eventually stalls in the middle of Cicero Swamp, aka Rattlesnake Gulch). Call up Mark again, and ask to bum a codrive in his MR2 out to an event. By this point he was getting a little more serious and had two sets of wheels and tires (the NB1 hollow spoke/Konig Helium combo with RE71Rs in the morning, the Sparcos with Rivals in the afternoon) and had a big Paul Brown front sway bar on it. I don't remember how I finished, and it was a Finger Lakes Region event (they're a little more serious business than CNY) so it probably wasn't great, but it sure was fun.

I didn't have any seat time in a Spyder in 2021, but someone who will be important in this story entered the picture that year. We, CNY SCCA, held an event up to Lowville/New Bremen, NY at Adirondack International Speedway and a gentleman by the name of Lawrence, along with his son Owen, came to that event. Lawrence was driving a Fiat 124 Abarth, while his son was there as a spectator. Well, Owen really liked Miatas and asked if I'd take him for a ride on a couple runs, and if there's one thing I enjoy, it's terrorizing passengers in that car. After leaving that event, he apparently spent all winter telling Lawrence that they had to do that next year. Lawrence then saw a post that I'd made on here extolling the virtues of the MR2 Spyder and went out and bought one that he'd previously owned and showed up with that for Owen and him to co-drive during the 2022 season.
In 2022, we were having an out-of-region event down in Horseheads, NY at Arnot Mall, hosted by the Watkins Glen region, and I didn't feel like driving my Miata down that far, and I know they tend to build pretty small courses, so I asked Mark if I could co-drive his car at that event. By this point he had it all dialed-in, with the lightest easily-available wheel setup, big Paul Brown sway bar, and Koni inserts, plus Rival S 1.5s. He enjoys having co-drivers, loves the competition, and said sure. Mark and I ended up finishing first and second overall, separated by just 0.030 seconds, which was my best-ever finish. Around this time, I really started going "I gotta get one of these."

Then this year, we were again doing an OOR event with Watkins Glen Region, this time at Corning Community College. Again, almost a three hour drive and I really didn't feel like driving my Miata that far, nor did I really trust it to go that far, race all day and not break. Call up Mark again, again he welcomed me as a co-driver, this time running on RE71RSs. This time, I was first overall by the end of the morning session, with Mark behind me. There was a slight course change during lunch break and conditions warmed up, and Mark, and another CNY E/Street competitor named Mark in an NB1, got ahead of me (we were in opposite run groups, the two Marks in Run Group 1, myself in Run Group 2). I get in the car, and at one point was in second by 0.001 seconds, only to then hoof it on my second-to-last run and end up PAX #1. First overall win. Mark, the MR2 Mark, ended up second.