Figure I'll just start a new thread. Many thoughts crossed my mind on the way home from the challenge this year like many. I will list my ideas and problems. Currently I own a white Q45, purple Q45, and an LS400 aside from my daily driver. I'd really like a car that I can drive to the event throw some wider stickier tires on, widebody, giant wing and splitter. This year I know I will be extremely busy with things that prevent me from pursuing challenge goals. No matter what it looks like I'll be parting ways with my LS400 soon.
Challenge ideas
1. Sell all three current cars and buy something to accomplish my goal.
2. Keep the purple Q add nitrous or a rear mount turbo and get drag slicks. Purple Q will need a new wheel bearing or something similar and either a new used transmission or possibly a manual swap. According to the current budget I should be able to recoup every dollar and be able to spend an extra $1500. This could also be an entire drive line swap. Iron block LS swap, ect... but if you know me well enough that all seems like too much work.
3. Find someone to prepare a car for me in the pacific northwest and do a fly and drive to the challenge.
4. Force Jeremy to find me a car and do a fly and drive to the challenge.
5. Leave with an empty trailer and buy a car on the way.
7. Use the white Q45 as the test bed for nitrous on the Purple Q45 and see if I can find some "local" help at the drag strip to run quick times.
8. Listen to your suggestions and do something really stupid that I won't regret.
9. Keep the Purple Q45 because it is awesome and go over budget. I have no real use for it because I work too much in the summer to actually use the car.
10. Make the white Q45 into a pickup truck for the pickup class for the $2017 challenge. Finally use my 295/335 hoosier combo and make sketchy/janky box fender flares.
11. Be boring and get a Miata
12. Buy two cars for the first ever $2017 Parking lot build off.
There will be other ideas but here is the current fleet.
White Q45

Purple Q45


Keep the purple one because you like it, sell the Lexus and put the spinning bits from the white Q45 into the nose of a 75 Yota pickup truck and add the janky flares/giant Hoosiers to the pickup.
10/3/16 5:23 a.m.
Trade the purple Q for an RX8. 
Find another Ivory Pearl '90-'93 Infiniti Q45 (which is super easy to find cheap) and use them both as the basis for the parking lot builds.
Meanwhile, you build up the purple Q45 and I will bring my near-stock Q45 to serve as benchmarks to what others can "build"
I don't know where I am headed for next year. I had one idea but I have researched it over the past couple nights and that has made me less interested in going that route.
There is still a whole lot of time for more bad ideas to come to mind!
Keep the purple car. If not you know someone in ohio who has been interested for a while
In reply to JohnRW1621:
How about turn the white one into a pickup truck for the pickup class?
This is on my local craigslist tempting me.

What you need is a 620 with all Q45 running gear!
What a wonderfully wicked plan.
If it's a pick-up Its a pick-up. If it Isn't, it isn't. BUT Put the engine of your choice in a mini pick-up and it is what it is. Chopping a car or Van In Pieces and calling it a truck just Isn't. Your car is to me truely B A, and looks like an All American HotRod.
10/3/16 5:41 p.m.
Trade me the Lexus for my Acura, then part it out to fund #12 so I can watch it go all sideways in the final hours.
Alright, white Q45 as a pickup truck and aristocrat. Keep it as a four door and add a truck bed. Keep it street legal and drive it to the event. Use giant race tires and win the respect of my peers. Obviously don't think about something and do a lot of work to come in last.
Just searched Craigslist for truck beds, lots of options!!!
In reply to Andy Neuman:
Except for white great minds think alike.
Just remember that I trademarked Infiniti Crew Cab Ute first.
So when are the "rules" for the pickup class going to be set in "stone"?
Quick artist rendering of what a Q45 ute may or may not look like.

Think of the weight you'll drop. You'll be a legend if you win aristocrat and pickup class. Small kids will sing songs of your exploits. Toll booth operators will just wave you on through. You must do it.
Another vote for #10. Please build the InfiniTruck.
patgizz wrote:
JohnRW1621 wrote:
What you need is a 620 with all Q45 running gear!
What a wonderfully wicked plan.
Thats not a bolt on
Great in theory but execution on my part would be subpar
After non careful measuring the bed would be approximately 6 feet. Not sure what I would do with the fuel tank if this becomes a reality.
Keep the "bed" bottom same height as the existing trunk floor. Gas tank under it. Just extend that forwards.
In reply to Mad_Ratel:
The current gas tank is above the trunk floor. If I get a chance I'll take a picture.
This is from the purple Q45 of the stock fuel tank location.
Take out gas tank, install bed, reinstall gas tank in bed.
ahh, like a last gen gto where they pooched it and moved it up to avoid "rear end assplosions"
beer keg gas tank? 
After some talking with a friend about our particular skill set, it may end up like this