After a long hiatus - I decided that having a place to dump all of my info about this car is useful. Long catchup post ahead:
In May 2017 someone rearranged my front fender and door for me - their insurance decided to total out the car, but MA doesn't brand titles for cars this old, so I could take the buyout and keep the car easily. My loyal readers may remember that my wife and I flew to North Carolina for this car in December 2015, then drove it about 3500 miles over the next few weeks - it was our last big trip before having our son in October 2016, so it has a lot of sentimental value. We're keeping it forever.

I bought some aftermarket fenders from RockAuto just to get it back on the road, and spent way too much time getting them installed - having a kid tends to consume your free time, especially when they're not consistently sleeping or taking naps on a regular schedule.
Despite the lack of sleep and disruption of our lives as we knew them, we're keeping him too.

Around this time I interviewed for, was offered, and accepted a job offer across the country. The next few months were a complete whirlwind of logistics, planning, moving, and settling into a new place. I moved to the Bay area in August, and my wife and son stayed behind until October, when we finally had a place to live and could get all of our stuff packed up and sent. The Miata was shipped out in early October, and I started exploring the amazing roads around here.
Unfortunately, it also decided to strand me for the first time since I've owned it.

The alternator/water pump belt broke and took out the upper radiator hose, making a big bang and spraying steam everywhere in the middle of the tunnel behind me in the above shot. Very exciting. Not having tools, parts, or friends to help me out, I got it towed to a shop that was just within the 5 mile basic AAA free tow allowance and also happened to be open on a Saturday. They got me sorted out.
This incident got me looking into deferred maintenance, since I sold my Focus ST before moving and would be relying on the Miata to get around. I popped off the valve cover to replace the gasket and discovered that the timing belt was perhaps a bit overdue...
So I did that, the water pump, a bunch of small stuff like plugs, wires, the PCV system, replaced the weird PS tensioner arrangement that was on it for some reason, and got it all buttoned up. It's been getting me to work and back since - except for the alternator dying once, which was at least a quick fix.
I also ordered some FM frame rail reinforcements when they had their black Friday sale. These are something that I've been waffling on for a long time - they do absolutely ridiculous things to autocross classing, but I'm spending a lot more time in the car now than I have in the past, so interior comfort and a reduction in squeaks and rattles has become more important to me. I also bought FM's sway bar end links for the same reason. I had the 949 endlinks on the car, which are a great product, but they were not happy about the small amount of winter driving I had to do in my last Miata and had become clunky and unreasonable for a daily. I don't have any shots of it, but I finally got around to installing my Revlimiter gauge faces and HVAC panel cover, and as you can see in the above pictures, I bought and installed some Corbeau LE Pro seats as well. More recently, I acquired a luggage rack free trunklid and a driver's side door from a car that was being parted out, so I can finally get that fixed as well.
They're not in perfect condition, but are far superior to what's on the car - and the right color to boot. In installing the trunklid, I discovered that my third brake light was in no way connected, so I was able to fix that as well.
Finally, I got out and did some autocross.
I was slllooooowwwwww - I've never run on concrete before, it's been more than a year since my last autocross, and quite a bit has changed with the car since then anyway, but I had a good time.
So here we are, caught up to the present. Right now, I'm focusing on comfort and convenience refinements. A 1992 Miata with 230k on it is never going to be a luxurious ride, but I think that there are a number of small things that I can do to make it just a little bit nicer on a day to day basis. Additionally, I'd like to do enough cosmetic work on it to not be embarrassed to bring it to a cars and coffee - it looks like I don't care about the car at all right now, which is not at all the case. I'm going to give wrapping the front fenders a shot to at least make the contrast look intentional, since faded black primer is not a good look.
Any suggestions, comments, or criticisms are welcome.